Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 August 2021
End date: 30 November 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 49 950 000,00 €
EU contribution: 49 950 000,00 € (100%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Subdirección General de Gestión del FEDER de la Dirección General de Fondos Comunitarios. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública


The transport of skiers and visitors together with the preparation of the slopes, which need the production of snow and the adaptation with specific machinery (step-track machines) constitute the central nucleus of the activity of the ski resort managed by Cetursa Sierra Nevada, a tourist and sports center that serves more than one million people a year between skiers and visitors. Given the age of the current lifts of the station, including the AL-ANDALUS telecabine installed more than 30 years ago, and because they are approaching the end of their useful life, it is proposed as a measure of energy improvement and emission savings, the replacement of this with a more efficient one, that increases the safety of people by the improvement of the current technology, that increases productivity for better use of the facilities and that finally improves the energy efficiency of the installation reducing the overall energy consumption and the energy ratio consumed per transported traveller. This action will have a high impact on the economic activity of Granada, would mean an important increase in the tourist potential of the Sierra Nevada Ski Station (which includes many companies and self-employed who operate in it with total dependence on the activity of Cetursa, which is the main public company in the province, and tractor of the economy of the valley and Granada). The proposed action is the removal of the existing chairlift Borreguiles I and the replacement of the current chairlifts called Emile Allais, Veleta I, Veleta II and the Al Andalus cable car with new models of greater performance and efficiency. To achieve the expected savings values, and given the conditions of Sierra Nevada, it is necessary that all the machinery of the new mechanical means, which is located in its lower and upper stations, remain inside new buildings. Due to the geographical and morphological position of Sierra Nevada, southern station, with a certain proximity to the sea and isolated from mountain ranges of similar height, they are characteristics that cause numerous storms to discharge their precipitation in the form known as “Gellow Rain”. Precipitation occurs in the form of ice and is deposited in the mechanical media, which greatly hinders its opening and requires a high energy consumption to put the lifts back into operation safely. Thus, for its functional recovery and its opening to the public, it is necessary to remove this precipitation, of ice and snow, through the pisapist machines, capable of removing and dragging those amounts of snow (machines that use fossil fuels and thus increasing energy consumption). Therefore, in order to achieve the expected savings, it is necessary that the machinery of the stations of the lifts remain within an envelope that protects them from the outside (a construction) that prevents the entry into the ma quinaria and areas of embarkation and disembarkation of accumulated quantities of snow and ice that prevent their operation. At present, the lift lifts Emile Allais, chairlift Veleta II and chairlift Veleta, lack enveloping buildings, which generates the use of pisapist machines for functional recovery on rain days. The energy calculations carried out have the construction of new buildings enveloping in their stations, so that maximum efficiency and the greatest energy savings are achieved. The case of the Al-Andalus cable car is unique. This existing facility already has surrounding buildings in its upper and lower stations, which protect its machinery from snow and ice precipitation. The renovation of this mechanical environment involves the demolition of these existing buildings and the reconstruction of them to adapt to the new technology of mechanical means. It is not possible to reuse the current building without having to demolish or reform in an important way the existing construction (it would involve changes in the foundations, pillar lines, roof, etc.), with a higher cost than the option proposed for the renovation of this installation. To achieve the greatest energy and economic savings, the solution found for the renovated Al-Andalus cable car has been to leave the current buildings as it is, and to execute, annexed to them, new constructions that shelter the machinery of the new stations. These annex buildings fulfil the function of protecting the machinery of the mechanical means against the entrance of snow and ice, maintaining the energy savings with the expected values, and minimising the economic expense, since it is not necessary to demolish the existing building and rebuild it again according to the new cable transport technology intended for people. In short, in order to achieve the expected energy savings, it is necessary that the new facilities have protected their machinery and their boarding and disembarkation areas from the outside with a constructive envelope, so that rainfall in the form of snow or ice does not penetrate inside. For this reason it is not ne

Flag of Spain  Province of Granada, Spain