The general objective is to make investments in the energy infrastructure at the level of the homogeneous area of Timis County and to implement an integrated ADMS Platform and an Analytics Platform that will reduce the average energy consumption on the house and increase the quality of the distribution service, by implementing the following components: — Component C1, consisting of an Analytics sub-system (Platform) for the measurement-receiving process, located in the Cloud — Component C2, which consists of an integrated ADMS platform (advanced distribution network management). This component includes a new DMS/EMS module and integration with existing SCADA and WHO modules — Component C3, consisting of the rehabilitation/modernisation of the distribution network, at the low/medium voltage level, related to the distribution network in the homogeneous area. Thus, a smart grid area will be achieved, where end consumers benefit from superior services, at a standardised quality level, which will allow them to predictably change their consumption behaviour, thus achieving a reduction in individual consumption, but also increasing energy efficiency, which has more substantial consequences in reducing the local CO2 footprint and reducing the associated climate effects. The result of the reduction estimate assumed by the Applicant as a mandatory indicator is described and calculated in SF (technical memory) under sub-chapter 5.4.3 Estimation of individual consumption and technical losses. See Tables 5.4-3A and 5.4.3-B. For calculation explanations see text 5.4.2 (allin 4 and 5) and 5.4.3 (paragraph 1 and 2) of SF. Thus, the achievement of the main objective of the project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of the programme, namely Specific Objective 6.3. In terms of the contribution of the project to the result indicator of LIOP 2 S 56, this is 0.50 %, according to the calculation methodology included in the Annex Computing indicators.