Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 July 2019
End date: n/a
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 14 964 907,88 €
EU contribution: 12 720 171,69 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: MŠMT/odbor Řídicího orgánu OP VVV

CETOCOEN Excellence

The aim of the project is to use the research capacities built in the Czech Republic in the last decade with the support of the European Structural and Investment Funds and to build a cutting-edge research platform responding to the scientific and societal challenges of today’s Europe in the field of environment and health. Harmonising regional environmental and population studies, biobanks, laboratory capacities, databases and IT systems will increase their scientific value and transform them into sources of valuable data, samples, capacities and expertise.

Flag of Czechia  South Moravian Region, Czechia