Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 May 2018
End date: 30 June 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 268 070,63 €
EU contribution: 220 184,78 € (82,14%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,

Development of spa potential of Zapopradzie and Śródmieście districts

The project foresees the following actions: 1. Preparation of the necessary project documentation, including project documentation and financial analysis. 2. Construction of a recreation place and points of sale of souvenirs on plots ewid. nr.: 2541, 2542. The designed recreational area will consist of objects of small architecture: benches, tables, garbage bins, information boards, a play set and minigolf fields, which will include 18 fields. In addition, the construction of five gazebos 1 gazebo is planned. 300x600 cm and 4 gazebos with volume. 300x300 cm, illumination of the terrain and internal electrical installation and hardening of the terrain under the entrance, sandy, gravel surface. The whole area of the investment will be fenced and shaped rebates will be made, corners with decorative gravel and solids of natural stone will be made.3. Modernisation works at the amphitheatre on plots of ewid nr.: 24813, 2484, 2487 and 24823. It is planned to modernise the hardening of the land on plots 24813, 2484 and 2487, hardening under the entrances connecting the projected area with the amphitheater, the construction of a fence with a fence with gates and gates between the proposed curing and the existing amphitheatre, modernisation of the fence with the gate from the Poprad River, the construction of one gate in the existing fence between the Sports and Recreation Centre Zapodziedzie and the hardening of the terrain and modernisation of the existing steps of the amphitheater. Modernisation of the existing hardening of the area. 1 612.70 m², designed entrances to the amphitheater 31.30 m².4. Hardening of land on plot no. 6074 in Muszyn with openwork slabs. Modernisation of the existing hardening of the area. 1 648.00 m².5. The work of the Supervision Inspector.6. Implementation of the project promotion and management.

Flag of Poland  Nowosądecki, Poland