Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 12 October 2018
End date: 30 November 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 439 714,82 €
EU contribution: 433 101,27 € (98,5%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,
intervention field

Reducing the level of low emissions in the municipality of Muszyna by exchanging heat sources in individual households with sources using gaseous fuels and biomass

The subject of the project is the exchange of heat sources in individual households in the municipality of Muszyna with boilers burning biomass and gas fuel type of project A. 100 kilns will be subject to the replacement of old boilers, furnaces, heating devices using solid fuels, including: a90 boilers for gazb10 biomass boilersThe project also takes into account the thermomodernisation component, i.e. it is planned to undergo 20 thermal modernisation buildings in which the furnaces will be replaced. 1.Developing a financial and economic analysis of the project2.Replacement of boilers3.Thermomodernisation works4.Activities related to increasing the environmental awareness of residents5.Promotion and management of activities financed under indirect costs. The project will reduce the emissions of particulate matter and greenhouse gases to the following values: reduction of PM10 concentration to 0,019 Mgrok; reduction of PM2.5 to 0,019 Mgrok; the applicant confirms that the project was included in the Low Emissions Economy Plan of PGN under Area 3 Reduction of Emissions in Buildings. Within this area, results were identified, including the elimination of inefficient and outdated individual heat sources; reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere; promoting low-carbon strategies and solutions, improving air quality by eliminating low emissions, increasing the share of buildings with thermal modernisation in the total number of buildings in the city pg. 105 of the document. Within this area, a catalogue of examples of activities and tasks has been identified, including task no. 3.3.1 where the replacement of boilers for energy-efficient pg. 110 of the document.

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