The aim of the planned project is the construction and equipment by Polfa Tarchomin of a new Research and Development Centre, acting as a technological platform for drugs requiring special manufacturing conditions, i.e. with a high toxicity class (to OEB category 5). In the first years of operation, CBR will be dedicated to the development of cytostatic drugs in the form of intravenous injection for patients with breast and colon cancer. In the following years, the development of other forms of drugs and indications is assumed. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, laboratories will provide a wide range of preformulation and analytical services and will allow for the development of advanced technologies for the production of parenteral and oral medicinal products, including: powders, lyophilisates, solutions and suspensions. As of today, there are no laboratories in Poland that would provide services for the development of high-toxic drugs, and among foreign entities only a few take up this challenge.