Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 2 January 2017
End date: 30 October 2019
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 5 027 025,80 €
EU contribution: 4 272 971,89 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju (Rzeczpospolita Polska)
intervention field

The health resorts of the Polish-Slovak borderland, as an area of health tourism recognised across Europe – stage I – construction of a cycling circuit connecting the health resorts of the Poprad Valley

The project involves, on the Polish side, connecting health resorts of the Polish-Slovak borderland with a cycling circuit (partly to be constructed and partly leading along the existing stretches of less travelled roads). It is the first stage in the creation of an area, recognised across Europe, characterised by unique tourism and health and rehabilitation values based on natural and landscape values, multicultural heritage and the spirituality and customs of the local population of the Poprad Valley. Ultimately, the activities should lead to the creation of a recognisable Polish-Slovak brand of Poprad health resorts. Cycling route – partly leading along existing trails (including EuroVelo), partly through those planned to be routed and constructed, it will link the health resorts of the borderland (Krynica-Muszyna-Piwniczna-Szczawnica-Vyzne Ruzbachy-Stara Lubovnia-Lubonianiskie Kupele-Bardejov-Bardejovskie Kupele). The route will lead through the most valuable areas in terms of nature and landscape (national and landscape parks) and will cover valuable wooden architectural monuments, water drinking houses and artesian wells. In Hniezdne, the circuit will join another path, built as part of the “History, culture and nature path around the Tatra mountains” project, which will significantly increase the resonance of the project and enhance positive effects related to the development of a cross-border tourism product. The whole route will be marked in a uniform manner and fitted with recurrent elements of small architecture. The concept for the marking and description of the route is the result of a Polish-Slovak architecture contest, during which the idea which best reflected the nature of the project and the specific elements of the borderland has been selected. The planned circuit will be supplemented with a number of promotional and information activities, which will promote the trail (map, website), as well as with a mobile application, thanks to which users will be able to plan and use the cycling route as well as to discover natural, landscape and architectonic attractions along the route and in the neighbouring area. The application will include elements related to preventive health care.

Flag of Poland,Slovakia  Multiple locations, Poland, Slovakia