Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 June 2018
End date: 31 May 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 6 688 230,16 €
EU contribution: 5 684 995,65 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Regione Toscana – Direzione Generale della Giunta Regionale – Settore Attività Internazionali
intervention field

cross-border system for safety in the sea against the risks of navigation and the protection of the marine environment

This project addresses the common challenge of navigational safety and quality of the transboundary marine environment. The project's overall objective is to reduce the risks associated with navigation accidents and their consequences on human life, goods and the environment. It will achieve its goals by creating a coordinated system of governance tools, highly technologically innovative surveillance methods and new safety services at sea. The project intends to launch shared strategic planning activities which will identify navigational safety solutions in high-risk marine areas of the cooperation area by setting up a joint monitoring plan and another joint plan for navigation and pilotage safety. The project provides for investments to improve the coverage of monitoring networks, increase the effectiveness of risk reduction forecasting systems, provide safety at sea and environmental protection services and establish data sharing and interoperability. The main actors and recipients will be the Public Administrations and their agencies, research centres, citizens, private economic operators and environmental associations. The integrated cross-border approach concerns many aspects: the integration of data monitoring and sharing networks and systems, the implementation of reduced uncertainty forecast models and the demonstration of piloting and emergency management services. Communication initiatives will include raising the awareness of the targets involved as far as the integrated management of safety at sea and training maritime personnel and stakeholders. The innovative aspect concerns both the method and the tools: coordination of governance tools, technologically advanced surveillance methods and new safety services at sea.

Flag of Italy,France  Multiple locations, Italy, France