Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 23 June 2020
End date: 30 June 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 3 911 424,14 €
EU contribution: 2 529 623,79 € (64,67%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Norfolk County Council, Economic Development and Strategy
intervention field

Highly-efficient innovative shallow-water based Sea Water Air Conditioning solution for the Channel Area

EUROSWAC (Highly-efficient innovative shallow-water based Sea Water Air Conditioning solution for the Channel Area) aims at designing & validating an innovative,costefficient & environmentally-friendly solution for cooling production,using English Channel’s seawater(a plentiful renewable energy source)as refrigerant,exploiting temperature difference between cold ocean water & external air temperature.While the need for cooling in large coastal cities is increasing at UKFR levels(due to climate change crease),cooling is still mainly produced through chillers, a technology using large amounts of electricity generated partially by fossil fuels, slowing down the ability to meet Channel Area (CA) energy-climate objectives.EUROSWAC demonstrates the ability of using the Channel seawater for free-cooling, adapting an existing technology used in tropical areas to the low depth & temperate climate of CA.Building on complementary expertise of 11 UKFR partners from the academic & industrial fields and on the analysis of Channel’s unique features,EUROSWAC aims to develop & test in real life conditions a SWAC prototype at the Brixham laboratory & NLH in UK.This shallow water based SWAC system will be the first to support enhancing aquaculture food-stock, which will represent major benefits in regards to CO2 emissions,lifespan & costs compared to existing solutions.Feasibility studies for Nausicaa,GlacièreMunicipale d’Étel and Les Glenans in FR will be intended to develop SWAC projects. These,in addition to the UK demonstrators,differ in type,size,their service & are spread geographically along the CA which will have a great socio-techno-economical impact.The project will be complemented with the enhanced innovation technology aspect with R&D focusing on (1) a self-burying system for the SWAC cold water pipes,(2) a flexible pipe concept for the SWAC cold water pipes,& (3) corrosion potential and temperature data logger.Validation of performance for the Brixham laboratory and NLH SWAC will pave the way for commercialisation in CA & beyond.EUROSWAC will drive growth of SWAC solutions in FRUK by de-risking the technology,& foster its deployment in CA,with positive environmental & economic benefits at local level.Solution’s transferability is tremendous in coastal areas with high cooling needs &easy access to seawater,as up to 10% of cooling needs & 5% of heating needs of CA tertiary buildings could be met by shallow-water based SWAC by 2030.Delivers innovative system in CA shared smart specialization sector.Strengthens the expert industrial and academic marine energy value chain in CA,creating multiple cross-border synergies,upskilling CA private & public organizations by making all deliverables public and accessible.Enhances CA competitiveness,reducing electricity consumption for cooling by min 30%.Deployment of 35 SWAC by 2030. Boost Interreg leverage effect with 60M in CA.Contribute to UK&FR energy climate objective by allowing a 30% reduction of CO2 emissions.

Flag of France,United Kingdom  Multiple locations, France, United Kingdom