As people are longer jobseekers, the gap from the labour market is increasing. In many cases, it has increased so that mediation is not yet possible and other interventions are necessary to reduce this distance. This is one of the priorities within the policy of the municipality of Haarlem. On the other hand, the municipality of Haarlem, as a coordinating municipality, aims to provide appropriate support for job management and to prevent and combat youth unemployment in the region, by investing more in labour management and the sustainable labour integration of vulnerable young people. The activities in this project are aimed at preparing and mentoring participants for a paid job. The activities will be carried out by: — IJmond/IJmond Works for the target groups Non-benefit recipients, barriers to employment, 50+ with WWB/Participation Act, IOAW, IOAZ or UWV benefit, Youth, > 6 months of WWB/Participation Act, IOAW, IOAZ or UWV benefit and status holders — Passmatch for the target group WWB > 6 months a benefit — Perspective for the target group vulnerable young people The intensity of this trajectory varies from one individual to another, as well as its duration and the instruments used: intake, assessment, labour market profile, trajectory plan, work placement, various trainings/workshops, workplace assignments, individual coaching, exercise program, specialist training and various evaluation moments. The success of the project is determined by the intensive (individual) guidance, which consists of group approach, deployment of work placements/learning pathways/employer service point, training and training and targeted communication between the participant, supervisor and (external) cooperation partners.