Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 August 2017
End date: 31 July 2018
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 798 200,00 €
EU contribution: 399 100,00 € (50%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Agentschap SZW (onderdeel van Ministerie van SZW)

Municipality of Haarlem

In the labour market region South — Kennemerland, the Schools of Practical Education and Secondary Special Education will work together to prepare students for a sustainable place in the labour market. Participating schools: 1) Prof. Dr. Gunningschool 2) Tender College 3) Heliomare College 4) Kennemer Praktijkschool 5) Oost Ter Hout 6) Practice College de Switch 7) The Molenduin Activities: The cooperation between the PRO and VSO schools from our labour market region contributes to the implementation of an integrated policy. With this grant application we focus on strengthening the existing structure and facilities for young people. The activities that are being used are practical training in a learning company and internship work placement learning. Objective: Additional guidance in the above mentioned activities gives pupils with a greater distance to the labour market a better chance of finding work or continuing training. Intended results: — With the activities we promote the connection of PRO and VSO to the labour market or further education — The job management (guidance to work) of the PRO and VSO schools within the region is integral, future-oriented and preventive — Preventing early school leaving within PRO and VSO — The young people are better prepared for the labour market-oriented career choice — Where possible, young people obtain a (part) certificate focused on a specific occupation

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