Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2018
End date: 31 December 2019
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 300 000,00 €
EU contribution: 150 000,00 € (50%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Agentschap SZW (onderdeel van Ministerie van SZW)
intervention field

OTIB Foundation

Within the Technical Installation Sector, many organisations are working on the topic of sustainable employability. This mainly refers to the training fund and the social partners Uneto-VNI and the trade unions. Despite the many activities undertaken by all individual organisations, social partners are looking for a new coherent description of sustainable employability at present and the situation to be pursued in the future. This requires the development of a new sustainable employability policy plan, recognised by all parties and actors. This new policy plan should then become the compass for employers‘and workers’ organisations in the sector. In order to clarify the sector, actors, relevant organisations, employers and workers, social partners want to set clear benchmarks and objectives, now and in the future, in the area of sustainable employability. To achieve this, the project will implement five main activities: 1. An in-depth study is being carried out on the state of play of sustainable employability in the sector. Qualitative and quantitative.(A1) 2. The research results will then be used to develop a new sector-wide policy plan (Route DI 2025) on sustainable employability. (A2) 3. The new policy plan will be reviewed and fed from practice through observations and interventions. Following the review, the policy plan will be updated and finalised. (B4) 4. A communication plan will have to be drawn up to disseminate the policy plan. (A3) 5. The policy plan will then be presented extensively to the sector and further to all actors to be reached on the basis of the Communication Plan. It has also set the policy agenda and policy objectives for sustainable employability for the coming years. (B2)

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