“What works on the way to work” The municipality of Deventer is one of the municipalities that is designated to investigate whether there are possibilities for more effective implementation of the Participation Act on components. The first group started in October 2017, the second group was launched in March 2018. Participants in the research are divided into four groups. Group A: The same obligations, more guidance: Participants make their own plan of action and the consultants help them intensively with their implementation. During the investigation, the same obligations apply as for the regular approach. Group B: Fewer obligations, remote guidance Participants make their own plan how they want to get to work. The regular application obligations do not apply as long as participants are committed to getting to work. Participants will be helped online through the app 8TING. Every 6 months there is a conversation between participant and consultant to see if the participant has met the conditions of the research. Group C: The same obligations and guidance as normal The guidance and obligations are the same during the investigation as at present. Nothing changes for the participants. Group D: Fewer obligations, guidance according to needs Participants make their own plan how they want to get to work. During the examination, the current application obligations do not apply. Participants have a conversation with the consultant every 6 months to discuss how the job search goes, what can be improved and whether they have met the conditions of the research. If participants need guidance, this can be done. All participants complete a questionnaire once every six months. The municipality not only looks at how many people are outflowing into work, but also the effects on people’s well-being. The investigation will run until 31 September 2019. After this, the first results will be known.