Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: n/a
End date: n/a
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: n/a
EU contribution: n/a
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Agentschap SZW (onderdeel van Ministerie van SZW)
intervention field

Municipality of Haarlem

The municipality of Haarlem sees itself as an organisation where people feel responsible for their commitment and development, are approachable and take the effort to address others. In order to achieve this organisation, it is important to promote the learning culture and to recognise non-company-specific knowledge and skills. As part of this mission, the municipality of Haarlem, in collaboration with the advisers of Pentascope and with financial support from the ESF, will carry out an advisory and implementation process. The aim of this project is for employees to better know and use their own (non-company) skills. In addition to cognitive interpretation, we achieve this by using experience-oriented forms of work in a larger process for team development. The intended result is a team development process where the learning culture at team level is optimally promoted, through a combination of different instruments. This makes behaviour and learning points at individual and team level visible and negotiable in practice. In conversations and meetings, the needs of the employees of the municipality of Haarlem will be analysed. These will feed into the further implementation of the project, looking at how low-threshold, experience-oriented tools can contribute to a long-term, positive impact on team development & Amp; sustainable employability. After the instruments recommended by Pentascope, the staff in team sessions will undergo the experience-oriented forms of work. As a result, the method is in line with the development needs of the employees in an experience-oriented manner. In conclusion, the staff will be involved in the evaluation process and, if necessary, follow-up.

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