In recent years, cooperation between parties in the labour market region of Zeeland has increasingly developed. In the meantime, a situation has arisen where knowledge and experience are shared and cooperation between the parties is sought when it contributes to solving problems in the labour market. The labour market region Zeeland has three subregions: Oosterschelde, Walcheren and Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Due to geographical and demographic circumstances, each sub-region has the scope to make its own choices, in addition to regional cooperation, where it is most functional. The municipalities in the labour market region of Zeeland are jointly using REACT-EU ESF subsidies. The city centre of Goes is already acting as a captain. Kristian Coppoolse of the central municipality of Goes has extensive ESF experience. The ESF money is used to carry out additional activities aimed at the reintegration of jobseekers. Within the labour market region of Zeeland, special attention is paid to young people because they sometimes need an extra push towards the labour market, especially during and in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis. Especially vulnerable young people are currently experiencing difficulties in finding sustainable employment. In addition to young people, however, other (vulnerable) groups are accompanied, such as the elderly, barriers to work and status holders. The ESF project is expected to run until June 2022.