From the start of the 2014-2020 ESF programme period, the Dutch government, together with municipalities, PrO/VSO schools, ROCs/AOCs, UWV and the (organised) industry, is committed to promoting active inclusion. Pro/vso in AMR Haaglanden has always invested the additional ESF resources in improving labour management and sustainable labour application/integration of around 2,600 pupils each year. In view of the vulnerable labour market position of their own pupils, including the Corona crisis and the RIVM measures, the coordinating central municipality of The Hague aims to facilitate PrO/vso in the labour market region of The Hague countries to invest the additional ESF REACT-EU funds for school year 2021-2022 in the transition from school to work of around 2,600 pupils. The additional ESF REACT-EU funds are used by PrO/vso to continue to improve the connection with the regional labour market in connection with the Employers Service Point Haaglanden, The Hague Werkt (work and development company of the municipality of The Hague) and business (TOP Academies), so that the opportunities for labour integration of pupils in the context of COVID-19 and crisis recovery are increased. The participating schools are Praktijkschool De Einder in The Hague, Esloo Praktijkschool Den Haag, Hofstede Praktijkschool Den Haag, Praktijkschool De Poort in The Hague, ISW Lage Woerd in Naaldwijk, Grotius practice school in Delft, Laurentius practice school in Delft, Stanislascollege Praktijkschool in Rijswijk, Bernardusschool in The Hague, inspector S. de Vriesschool in The Hague, Koetsveldschool Den Haag, Pleysier college Transvaal in The Hague, Herman Broerenschool Delft, Johan de Witt in The Hague, Pyramid College in The Hague and Viertaal College in The Hague.