From the start of the 2014-2020 ESF programme period, the Dutch government, together with municipalities, PrO/VSO schools, ROCs/AOCs, UWV and the -organised-business/employers, is committed to promoting the active inclusion of vulnerable people with a distance from the labour market. The municipality of Dordrecht has been designated by the Minister of Social Affairs as an ESF grant applicant for municipalities/executors in the labour market region of Drechtsteden. The municipality of Dordrecht concludes an ESF partnership agreement with the collaborators, which regulates the definition and definition of responsibilities towards each other/mutualisation. The additional ESF grant budgeted up to 2022 from the Corona Crisis Recovery Fund REACT-EU is used to reach the broad vulnerable ESF target group of beneficiaries — including young people < 28 years of age, barriers to work, status holders and vulnerable workers within the municipal caseloads (after-care) — within the context of COVID-19 and gradually lead to labour market participation/paid work. Due to an accountable application, the direct labour costs of the participatory performers in relation to reintegration services/case management and guidance/aftercare are relatively easily justified.