Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 April 2018
End date: 30 June 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 3 353 766,20 €
EU contribution: 782 545,45 € (23,333%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Provincie Gelderland, de leden van het College van Gedeputeerde Staten gezamenlijk
© © Inreda Diabetic B.V (2017)
© © Inreda Diabetic B.V (2017)

Microneedle Artificial Pancreas system for postprandial glucose control (MAP)

Diabetes, with over 1.2 million patients, is one of the most common chronic diseases in the Netherlands. About 10 % of it has type 1 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body is unable to balance blood sugar levels: the a...

Flag of Netherlands  Twente, Netherlands