Due to a character limitation, the detailed description of the project has been attached in a separate document. Cycling is an important part of the transport system that needs to be integrated into the transport system by creating conditions for safe, fast and accessible cycling. With the implementation of the present project, the international EuroVelo 6 cycle route, as a tourist, professional, networkable cycling route, is being developed in the agglomeration of Budapest, concerning the settlement of Dunakeszi. The main goal of this development is to create the conditions for safe cycling and to develop bicycle traffic facilities and related services on the (currently missing) section between Budapest and Dunakeszi, which will become part of the EuroVelo 6 cycle route with the implementation of the project. Description of the initial situation: In Dunakeszi, the EuroVelo 6 cycling route from Göd ends at the connection of the Danube line to Liget Street. From here, a cycling route leads back to the interior of the city, where it continues next to the main road — but this is no longer part of the planned EuroVelo 6 cycling route. Currently, the EuroVelo 6 cycling route from Göd does not reach the border of Budapest, the Budapest-Dunakeszi section planned by the project is missing. Main activities of the project: The Consortium, composed of NIF Zrt. and kms, is applying for the grant related to the implementation of the project, which (on the basis of a consortium agreement) is allocated the task of implementing/coordinating the individual project activities. The main activities of the project are essentially divided into two parts: the development of infrastructure (within the remit of NIF Zrt.) and the development of related services (within the remit of NIF Zrt). The development of the infrastructure includes the construction of agricultural paths enabling cycling in connection with the development of the cycling route, the construction of a separate cycle path or a cycling rest area — with the implementation of the necessary traffic technical design (including signage, painting). Activities of the NIF Zrt. and the consortium of kms related to the project: Tasks of NIF Zrt.: Procurement of planners, public procurement; planning and authorisation; the acquisition of land necessary for the construction of the alien concerned; performing the tasks of the managing engineer, purchasing the developer, carrying out public procurement. The selection of the appropriate construction company and the continuous engineering supervision of the construction work is the guarantee for high-quality structures. Fully manage the construction works under construction with engineering supervision through the technical handover and acceptance process until the entry into service is obtained, and then manage the EU audits of the project during the maintenance period. NIF Zrt’s task is to develop the cycling infrastructure in order to achieve the widening of the existing cycle path sections, the construction of a bicycle lane, the construction of a new cycle path and the signposting of a cycling-friendly route. Where other technical improvements cannot be achieved, review and repair of traffic signals. Tasks of the kmsz: Provision of prior health check monitoring data; liaising with representatives of the different modes; liaising with the local governments concerned, TDM; information on the location and content of tourist information boards; determining the location of cycling rests, contributing to the development of professional content; mainstreaming tourism aspects in the implementation process; preparing proposals for the implementation of signs and paints for cyclists’ information and safety; the provision of a tourism expert; provision of monitoring data, proof of an increase in the number of visitors and an increase in turnover during the maintenance period; route planning application and tracking system software; Setting up a Ranger road monitoring system. Developments to be carried out by the project: The Transport Development Coordination Centre (KKK) commissioned a Feasibility Study in 2014 for the Eurovelo 6 cycle route Rajka-Budapest section. On this basis, the planned new cycling route (about 5.8 km) between Budapest and Dunakeszi would be implemented as follows. Dunakeszin starts in the immediate vicinity of the Rév, which is an existing high-quality square stone paved (over 3 m width) on foot and cycling path without separation. Residents are allowed to drive in by car. It’s one of the most popular leisure places in town. In good weather, sportsmen, pedestrians and cyclists appear here in large numbers. It is currently a place of rest for cyclists. Leaving the Danube line, using existing, mainly agricultural roads, the Danube line — Katonadomb — Folyam Street — the route from Barátság út to the paved road to the Danube. Fish using the paved path