Finding a skilled workforce, which has become a barrier to business growth, is becoming an increasingly serious problem for employers today. The selection of the right workforce, the involvement of disadvantaged workers requires a local partnership network and coordinated activities involving key governmental, municipal, economic and employment development and advocacy actors, aligning their interests and opportunities towards a common goal, whereby local businesses would receive tangible help in carrying out their development and meeting labour needs. The overall objective of the project is to promote the provision of a skilled workforce in order to improve the employment conditions of the district through targeted training programmes, building on specific local entrepreneurship needs, based on cooperation between municipalities, employers and training institutions. Its direct aim is to reduce the skills shortage of enterprises operating in the district. Investment promotion activities are carried out in the project to attract new investments in order to increase the ability to retain the workforce and reduce exodus. As a result of the Pact partnership, cooperation mechanisms will be developed that will benefit the district actors in the long term, at district level and in other development areas. The Municipality of Kiskőrös (the main activities), the Bács-Kiskun County Government Office (target group subsidies, labour market services), the MBE Filadelfia Foundation (labour market services) participate in the implementation. Project needs for human resources: Project management 1 major project manager, 1 financial manager, with qualifications and experience according to the requirements of the call? Is the Pact Office performed by 1 main partnership coordinator (expected to meet the requirements of higher education and the MT guide)? Are labour market services provided by 1 senior mentor and 3 mentors with qualifications in accordance with GM Regulation 30/2000? KH provides 1 professional implementer for administrative work according to its organizational regulations, as well as professional implementation with 10 main tasks. Direct target group of the project: low-skilled people? Young people under the age of 25 or jobseekers under the age of 30? Over 50 years of age? Those returning from GYED, GYES, or receiving at least one child replacement support for employment? are inactive, people with disabilities with long-term unemployment? persons with disabilities? Roma nationalities? the indirect beneficiaries and target groups of the project are enterprises, municipalities, the members of the Pact partnership. The target group is involved through a career day and organisations that have direct contact with the target group members, an entrepreneurial needs assessment and based on the statistics of the KH. Project activities: 1. The project concept, budget, feasibility study, needs assessment, involvement of social partners, preparation and submission of a grant application will be prepared during preparation 2. Implementation: Main activity A: employment situation analysis, strategy, action plan, work programme, project plans, training, cooperation agreement, compact office, order of business, preparation of work plan, establishment of a steering group, communication, project management, training main activity B: target group involvement, screening, assessment of competences, identification of gaps, pre-selection, cooperation agreement, individual development programme, trainings, trainings, mentoring, supported employment, continued employment Other TOP projects will be implemented in parallel to the project, which do not affect the needs of the current project resources. The preparation of the project, the operation, support, monitoring, labour market services, and other expert services, training and investment promotion activities with the involvement of external service providers are carried out as own implementation. The training institutions involved must have an authorisation to engage in adult education activities. Indicators, expected results: 182 participants in the labour market programmes under the Employment Pact 81 Jobs in the Employment Pact 18 out of those who have been employed six months after the support 18 persons enrolled in training under the Employment Pact 45