Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 June 2017
End date: 28 February 2020
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 187 340,00 €
EU contribution: 1 009 239,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Development of employment cooperation in the Southern Heves region

The Municipality of Heves — in a consortium with the Municipality of Kisköre, the County Government Office, the Development and Coordination Centre Nonprofit Kft (FKKN) and the Association for Social Capital Development (ETTF) submit the application for funding. The local governments of the region, including the two members of the consortium of municipalities, established the FKKN in 2015, which will be the operator of the pact organisation set up in the framework of this project, but it also performs project management tasks. The original goal of the founders was that the non-profit organisation should contribute to the social and economic growth of the region with the professional support of the implementation of regional development ideas, with which the development goals set out in the tender are perfectly suited. (The professional experience of the staff involved can be found in the relevant chapter of the Fact Sheet). The direct objective of the project is to contribute to the availability and quality of the labour force and to improve productivity (supply side of the labour market), on the one hand, to increase the employment capacity of the local economy (demand side of the labour market) and, on the other hand, to align the demand and supply sides of the labour market. With interventions focusing on the supply side of the labour market (e.g. by improving the skills and skills of the labour force and removing various barriers to employment, and wage support), 272 people are trained or provided with other labour market services and 136 jobs, of which 84 are intended to support the long-term employment of over 180 days. Labour market demand-side activities (increasing labour force demand) lead to investments in the region that create new jobs; new sites will be set up by the newly established enterprises or the companies already operating in the area are expanding their production capacity. The main target group of the project is people of working age (job-seekers, people with disabilities, inactive people) from a labour market perspective. The project covers the entire territory of the district of Heves and part of the municipalities belonging to Hatvani and Gyöngyösi districts. The district of Heves is one of the districts to be developed with a complex programme based on the score of one of the country’s underdeveloped microregions and territorial development. 10 out of 17 municipalities in the district are also affected by significant unemployment. Helping the long-term unemployed to find a job requires much greater effort, since both mental and motivational problems of individuals need to be tackled at the same time due to the poor signature of the long-term absence of work. It is therefore essential to prevent long-term unemployment through training, subsidised employment and measures to help them stay in work. The region’s workforce is characterised by a lower level of education than the national average, which is one of the main causes of unemployment and joblessness, and therefore special emphasis should be placed on training, the professional composition of which must be tailored to the needs of the enterprises operating in the region. The content of the development is to improve the supply side of the labour market and to increase the quality, employability and productivity of the available labour force through training to provide knowledge and skills needed on the regional labour market, to help work by providing subsidised employment and other job search services. The development of the demand side of the labour market and the expansion of employment require further investments in the Southern Heves region — by companies that are settling and the larger and smaller producers and service providers already operating in the region — which we want to promote and encourage through a well-thought, coordinated, professional investment promotion activity. Steps to implement the project: — setting up the Pact organisation and preparing its rules of procedure — selection and recruitment of the experts involved in the consortium members — procurement of the tools and services necessary for its operation (strategic and action plan) — agreement with the members of the Employment Pact, holding the founding meeting of the Pact, establishing the rules of procedure — preparation of a regional employment strategy and action plan with the active involvement of the members of the Pact — agreements with the employers involved in the project — selection of training courses in line with the strategy and employers’ demand — communication, recruitment activity towards the target group, creation of information points, mentoring of the target group members — training provided by the Government Office and the start of subsidised employment — activities of the Pact Office promoting investment — organisation of employment forums by the Pact Office — labour market services at information points (advice on employme...

Flag of Hungary  Heves, Hungary