Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 March 2016
End date: 30 September 2021
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 4 179 713,54 €
EU contribution: n/a
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Implementation of employment-economic cooperation in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county

The overall objective of the project “Strengthening employment-economic cooperation in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County” is to support the training and employment programmes of the county employment cooperations — pacts — to increase their scope, effectiveness and efficiency, as well as to increase employment through the implementation of action plans at local level and to provide jobseekers in the entire territory of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The project is implemented in the form of a consortium and is headed by the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Municipality, the members of the JNSZ County Government Office and the JNSZ County Local Government Office. The Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county pact operates as an umbrella organisation based on technical, regional and sectoral aspects. The county pact will be implemented in coordination with both Szolnok county-law and the local pact. A wide-ranging cooperation is planned, including with the County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the competent State Secretary of the Ministry of National Economy. In the course of preliminary consultations, the county and local pacts, as well as the territorial and, in relation to the former, the thematic delimitation between the county and the county seat were established. The joint consultation forum of Szolnok MJV Municipality and the JNSZ County Municipality, JNSZ County Regional Development Konz. Forum 4/2016 (II.10.) decided that the pact of the county seat covers Szolno, while the county pact covers the other 77 settlements. Based on the specificities of the county, the connection according to the territorial principle is justified in the county pact, supplemented by the fact that the actions related to tourism development, health and social care, the labour market programmes and the state-of-the-art investments of the county are planned in the framework of this project. ARTICLE 1562/2015 As a key indicator, it was expected that the number of participants in the labour market programmes under the county and local pacts: 750 by the end of 2018 and 2.899 by the end of 2023. Number of indicators included in the labour market programme under this project: 867 people. The project can be broken down into two main activities. The ‘owner’ of the so-called ‘B’ main activity is the JNSZ County Government Office and its department, the Employment Department. The main objective of this activity is to improve the employability and open employment of unemployed and jobseekers in the county. It is also important to help target people to the labour market without support, with complex, personalised services and support tailored to local labour market opportunities and needs. In addition to improving the situation of individuals, companies that employ them will also have access to EU funding, contributing to the temporary reduction of the burden on businesses to increase employment. Against this background, the following grants are planned for the project: labour market training; support for self-employment; job support; provision of labour market services. Registered jobseekers are the target group of the project. According to 2015 data, this is 20,435 people in JNSZ county. Primary target groups are those with primary education, under 25, over 50 and permanently registered. The main activity “A” is a priority of the JNSZ County Municipality. Within the framework of the project, the JNSZ County Economic and Employment Development Cooperation Programme is developed and implemented on the basis of the guidance set out in the call. It is also planned to organise professional conferences, forums and workshops, to build a partnership network to promote employment in the county, to further develop the existing ones, to set up and operate round tables related to professional groups. It is also part of the project to improve the quality and efficiency of education and to disseminate lifelong learning through interactive classroom classes, competitions and games in order to strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset. In addition to the development of a county portal collecting information about the School Community Service and the organisation of marketing campaigns, the promotion of entrepreneurship is a priority. As an optional complementary activity, we implement local product/service development in order to strengthen the agricultural role and the gastronomic role of the region, the development of gastro product packages within the framework of tourism development, as well as the development of training, vocational training and strategy, “We take the county to the home” and the implementation of campaigns and events promoting the consumption of local products. The diverse activities are supported by several organisations supporting the implementation of the project and, more broadly, they all play a role in the management of the project: Pact Organisation; “Classical” Project Management Organisation; Project Governing Board; Pact Office The involvem...

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