Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 February 2018
End date: 31 May 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 551 265,00 €
EU contribution: 468 575,25 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága
intervention field

Rehabilitation of degraded areas in the town of Heves

The overall objective of our project is: to address in a complex way social — physical — economic problems, which are concentrated in the action area at risk of falling down or at risk of separation, in order to promote the social integration of those living in the area. The specific objective of the project is to strengthen the residential function of the affected neighbourhoods, to expand and develop existing functions, to develop social and community functions and to develop the infrastructure of the area. This project TOP-4.3.1 together with the parallel project TOP-5.2.1 will have the effect of stopping the degraded part of the city and integrating it into urban fabric. During the programme, the following activities will be implemented in the action areas 1, 2 and 3 of the City of Heves: 3.1.1 SELF-ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES: Within the framework of activities strengthening the residential function, 7 social housing units will be built in the action area, 7 buildings will be refurbished. The aim of the project component is to improve housing conditions for people living in segregated areas. 3.1.2 OPTIONAL ACTIONS THAT ARE NOT ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALLY: ACTIVITIES AIMED AT IMPROVING PUBLIC SECURITY FUNCTIONS, IMPROVING PUBLIC SECURITY AND PRESERVING THE RESULTS OF DEVELOPMENT: Development and installation of security technology and surveillance system in public spaces in the area of segregation: 5 surveillance cameras are placed in the action area and the connection with the existing centre is established. EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION FUNCTION: Within the framework of the project element, a community garden will be created, the area is organised, and the fence is built. D) OTHER RELATED DEVELOPMENTS: In the framework of this activity, the Dankó Pista street located in the segregation area will be refurbished with full track structure, 515 m longitude, 4 m width, and the refurbishment of the Summer Street with full track structure 100 m in length 3 m width. There are also OTHER REQUIREMENTS for the construction of fences, a playground and the removal of illegal landfills in segregated buildings. The project is fully aligned with the Integrated Territorial Programme and the City’s Local Equal Opportunities Programme. The city has an Integrated Urban Development Strategy, the objectives of which are synchronised with our project. In the framework of milestone 2 of this project, the feasibility study and its annexes will be submitted using the results of the wide-ranging discussions.

Flag of Hungary  Heves, Hungary