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Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 October 2019
End date: 31 May 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 388 712,50 €
EU contribution: 345 954,12 € (89%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Crèche in Bacsalmás

Due to the increase in the number of children in the city, it became necessary to create new crèche places, which could be achieved through the refurbishment of the existing building. Based on an analysis of the development of the settlement and the situation of the workforce, there is a need for the establishment of a crèche with 26 places. The purpose of the crèche care is to preserve the existing values in the daytime young children’s care, to further develop professional work, to meet the needs of the families and to introduce new services as far as possible. We are planning to run 2 crèches in the institution. It is increasingly common to the current social processes that women try to return to work as early as possible, which may be of material origin, but keeping a position in the workplace is also an important aspect. For these reasons, it is also important to develop the crèche in any way because of the growing demands.

Flag of Hungary  Bács-Kiskun, Hungary