Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 18 December 2017
End date: 18 March 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 5 353 114,84 €
EU contribution: 4 764 272,21 € (89%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Transport development in Baranya County 2.

As part of the project, a section of the secondary road network will be refurbished for a total length of 14.017 km. During the intervention, the profile milling of the existing casing is performed, and the new casing is formed by the installation of a binding and wear layer. The drainage is ensured by refurbishing the existing drainage system and by placing it in a good arm, and the road bench is also arranged. Works of art, penetrating and traffic equipment on the affected road sections will be refurbished as necessary. Refurbished sections: —58102 J. Cutes road (1+ 786-3+ 870 kms) intervention length: 1.319 km of municipalities concerned: Bicsérd (renovation of the main track of the section between 1+ 878-2+ 643 kms is not included in the project) -6607 j. Szigetvár-Kadarkút connecting road (8+ 600-11+ 811.73 kms) intervention length: 3.212 km, affected municipality: Somogyhatvan -6601 j. Lion-Szentlőrinc connecting road (21+ 740-24+ 018,70) intervention length: 2.279 km, affected municipality: Bükkösd, Helesfa -6542 j. Komló-Magyarszék connecting road (2+ 528.65-5+ 093.31 km) intervention length 2.565 km, affected settlement: Hops — Beta access road (0+ 034,27-0+ 600,31 kms) intervention length: 0.566 km, affected municipality: Hops — 5707 j. Villány-Újpetre road (0+ 100-1+ 800 kms) intervention length: 1.316 km, affected municipality: Villány (renovation of the main track between kms 0+ 762-0+ 887 kms, kms 1+ 154.50-1+ 362,50 kms and kms 1+ 676,80-1+ 728.18 km is not included in the project) -5805 j. Szentlőrinc-Nagycsány connecting road (4+ 361.11-7+ 120.82 kms): 2.760 km, affected municipality: Királyegyháza The project aims at the renovation and development of 4-5 digit roads in degraded condition, which, if implemented, improves the availability of settlements and jobs in the area, thereby encouraging labour mobility and economic development. Investments are made on the public road network. In fact, the properties concerned and their ownership can only be determined during the planning process. The project concerns road transport in 1988. I. tv. It has been planned in accordance with Section 8(1a) taking into account the needs of all operators concerned. In the case of road sections within the urban area, the possibility of safely driving cycling traffic has been examined. The investment contributes to the improvement of road safety and the road safety aspects will be and will be given special attention in the planning and implementation process. The investment is part of the Baranya County Regional Development Programme. The list of road sections to be refurbished has been agreed and approved with the county government. Due to the organisation of the Applicant and its expert and institutional background, the financial sustainability of the project and the long-term (5 years) operation and maintenance of the implemented activity are ensured. The technical content of the project will be designed and designed to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and, above all, children, the elderly and people with disabilities. The investment is planned and implemented in a cost-effective manner, with a realistic and economical budget. The investment is carried out through a direct or indirect link to economic development and employment and facilitates the infrastructure conditions for labour mobility. The list of road sections to be refurbished has been agreed and approved with the county government. The road sections to be refurbished concern 9 settlements. As set out in point of the call, a road safety audit was carried out for the relevant road sections, the recommendations and findings of which were taken into account when drawing up the plans. The project has no foreseeable climate risk. The principles of universal design, i.e. the needs of women and men, the needs of the elderly, the disabled and children, will be taken into account in its design. The renovation of the 58102 j. Aranyosgadány access road (1+ 786-3+ 870 km) is an activity subject to authorisation due to the construction of 2 bus bays. Area specific part based on the evaluation criteria: — The planned development project contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the county ITP.: It fits more than 5 actions. Implementation contributes to the development of the local economy, creates an economy capable of lasting growth and human resources able to respond to market needs. It serves social inclusion, accessibility, promotion of labour mobility and employment. — Total population of municipalities affected by the implementation sites (30.730 people): The 9 municipalities involved in the implementation are aggregated. — As part of the investment, a cycling-friendly route will not be established.

Flag of Hungary  Baranya, Hungary