Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 11 April 2017
End date: 29 November 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 6 612 788,18 €
EU contribution: 5 885 381,48 € (89%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Transport development in Fejér County I.

In the framework of the project, a total of 21.444 km of the secondary road network will be refurbished. During the intervention, the profile milling of the existing casing is performed, and the new casing is formed by the installation of a binding and wear layer. The drainage is ensured by refurbishing the existing drainage system and by placing it in a good arm, and the road bench is also arranged. Works of art, penetrating and traffic equipment on the affected road sections will be refurbished as necessary. Refurbished sections: 8126 j. road (0+ 000-11+ 124 kms) intervention length: 11.124 km of municipality concerned: Söréd, Csákberény 8126 j. road (11+ 460-18+ 320 kms) intervention length: 6.86 km of affected municipalities: Csákvár 6307 j. fountain (29+ 240-31+ 700 kms) intervention length: 3.46 km of affected municipalities: Soponya The project aims at the renovation and development of 4-5 digit roads with degraded conditions, which will improve the availability of localities and jobs in the region, thereby encouraging labour mobility and economic development. Investments are made on the public road network. In fact, the properties concerned and their ownership can only be determined during the planning process. The project concerns road transport in 1988. I. tv. Shall be planned in accordance with Section 8(1a) taking into account the needs of all operators concerned. In the case of road sections within a residential area, the possibility of safely driving cycling traffic will be examined. The investment contributes to the improvement of road safety and the road safety aspects will be and will be given special attention in the planning and implementation process. The investment is part of the Fejér County Regional Development Programme. The list of road sections to be refurbished has been agreed and approved with the county government. Due to the organisation of the Applicant and its expert and institutional background, the financial sustainability of the project and the long-term (5 years) operation and maintenance of the implemented activity are ensured. The technical content of the project will be designed and designed to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and, above all, children, the elderly and people with disabilities. The investment is planned and implemented in a cost-effective manner, with a realistic and economical budget. The investment is carried out through a direct or indirect link to economic development and employment and facilitates the infrastructure conditions for labour mobility. The investment is part of the Fejér County Regional Development Programme. The list of road sections to be refurbished has been agreed and approved with the county government. The road section to be renovated is affected by 4 settlements. The road section planned for refurbishment complies with measure 12.5 of the Fejér County Regional Development Concept: “Improving the network status of the sideway, building missing elements. We declare that the project is part of the Fejér County Integrated Regional Development Programme. (pages 240-242) The entire Fejér County Regional Development Programme can be found on http://www.fejer.hu/_user/browser/File/Ter%C3%BCletfejleszt%C3%A9s/Fej%C3%A9r%20Megyei%20Ter%C3%BCletfejleszt%C3%A9si%20Program/Program%20dokumentumai/FMTFP_k%C3%B6zgy%C5%B1l%C3%A9s_2014_08_18.pdf and the document is attached. Regarding the road section affected by the renovation, the existing macadam pavement is ageing, significantly deformed, its surface is uneven and the edges are broken. The renovation of the pavement, the painting of durable pavement signs, the cleaning of the drainage ditches next to the road, as well as the raising of the pit cover on the inland section to the appropriate level already enhances road safety. The further developments planned on the urban sections — pedestrian crossing, traffic-absorbing island construction, bus platform reconstruction and related pavement construction — further increase road safety. The realisation of the planned development contributes to the reduction of the operating expenditure of Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. In particular, expenditures of an operational-maintenance nature are expected to be reduced (draining, repairing cracks, patch-like and large surface surfaces, repair of bridges and other artefacts, cleaning and maintenance of drainage systems, care of green areas). The level of compensation for damage caused to road users due to road defects is also planned to decrease as a result of the investment. The planned development will contribute to improving the spatial mobility of the workforce and improving the availability of labour market centres (Mór, Bicske, Székesfehérvár, Sárbogárd). The development will also facilitate and improve the spatial mobility of the workforce within the Mór district and between the districts of Mór, Székesfehérvár, Bicskei and Sárbogárd within the county. The road section intended to be re...

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