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project info
Start date: 1 January 2018
End date: 23 December 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 1 041 287,25 €
EU contribution: n/a
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Developing the natural and cultural values of Bácsalmás into a complex tourist attraction.

The Municipality of Bácsalmás intends to implement a complex tourism development in Bácsalmás, which will create innovative, new tourist attractions and visitors-friendly sites based on the natural and cultural values of the region; contribute to the expansion of the region’s tourist offer, in line with the target system of the regional development programme of Bács-Kiskun county; it also contributes to the economic development objectives of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme. The planned developments are in line with the concept of the Felső-Bácska — Homokhát Nature Park, which has been proposed for the right to use the name. The long-term goal of the Nature Park initiative, which brings together 12 settlements, is to transform the natural and cultural heritage-rich area of the nature park into a complex regional tourism network, in which Bácsalmás plays a central role. The project will create four new, innovative visitor-friendly sites with an orderly ownership of the site.1.Tourism Visitors’ Centre. It will be built in the heart of Siskovics, protected by monuments, in the mansion and courtyard of Siskovics. You want to fill three functions: provide a complex tourism, information and visitor management service on the natural and cultural sights of Bácsalmás and its surroundings, giving motivation to visit these values and to use additional services, complex professional guidance packages, presenting the lives of Bácsalmás’s civilian families at the turn of the century in the framework of an interactive exhibition and experience pedagogical methods on the lower level of the building; on the upper floor of the building, to present the historical and present landscape environment of Bácsalmás, the natural and cultural values of the Upper Bačka — Nature Park, and to serve as a venue together with the courtyard for the implementation of programmes designed for the experiential transfer of environmental awareness-raising programmes, events and natural sciences. 2. Salt Lake Tanös út.The protected Sós Lake Sós is almost the only one that survived in its working state. The local protected area surrounded by stemd oak is surrounded by lakes, of which 4 hectares enjoy national protection as the production site of the Bácsalmás Gyapjas Gyűszűvirág (Bácsalmás Gyapjas Gyűszűvirág) is a natural conservation area. The foliage is a very rare, highly protected plant species, with 5-6 thousand stems hidden in these protected oak areas. In the forests surrounding the Sós Lake, situated 3 km from the centre of Bácsalmás, the Applicant would like to create an interactive educational path that can be visited individually free of charge or with paid professional guidance, showing the history and present of the lake, the associated wildlife and the need for permanent grazing of the lake with buffaloes. 3.Environmental and natural awareness-raising experience park. Located 3 km from the centre of Bácsalmás, it is located in the area of fish nursery and forest lane in the northern part of the artificial Lake Snakes (fishing lake). It is based on the book series entitled Lengemes, Attila Berg Judit, prize-winning writer. Individual or group visitors should perform tasks through more than one nature-compliant, innovative, interactive teaching staff in order to become the guardian of the ‘Nad Sea’. The programs of the park are accompanied by educational presentations, team building programs, playhouses, handicraft sessions and various events. The park is directly accessible from the EuroVelo 13 bike line. 4. Country House and Archaeological Memorial Park. In the country house the local history of Bácsalmás, as well as the traditions of Bácsalmás Swab and Bunyevác are presented in interactive and experiential pedagogical methods. The indoor area behind the residential areas will be suitable for community and traditional events. In the courtyard, the settlement is presented on the basis of excavations, at 10 interactive stations from prehistoric to the end of the Turkish era, and through the archaeological monuments of the settlements of the racists. The memorial park is accompanied by scientific and educational lectures, museum pedagogy classes, playhouses, craft workshops and various events. Target groups of the planned development. It’s a priority. People living in the region and those visiting the South Great Plain Region, Bács-Kiskun County for longer periods, resting in the region, arriving to Kecskemét, Kiskunmajsa, Baja or other nearby places.Color status: Individual tourists: married couples, groups of friends. They're families. Groups: School groups, corporate groups. Geographical segmentation. Domestic, intra-regional and extraterritorial tourists: 60 %, Foreign tourists (preferably from Vojvodina): 40 %.Secondary target groups: Press representatives.Pedagogs, camp organisers, program organisers, tour operators.The project is based on a realistic business plan and its long-term sustainabilit...

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