As part of the project, the municipalities of Jászberény and Jászdózsa implement tourism developments. In the case of Jászberény, an ecotourism visitor centre and a thematic playground will be set up in the area of the zoo. The archaeological excavation of the Chapel-Domb is carried out in Jászdózsán, and in this context (regarding the presentation of the excavated artifacts) the library building is being renovated, as well as the renovation and touristic utilisation of the Tájház, the Tábori memorial house and the Bollók Memorial House. The aid application concerns the indicative allocation for the Jászság and Szolnok-Törökszentmiklós-Martfű region among the specific development objectives/resource allocations set out in point 1.2 of the area-specific annex to the call. Content assessment criteria 1. The development is in line with the objectives of the call as detailed in the business plan. The project includes at least one independently eligible activity. Applicants undertake to comply with the requirements set out in points 3.2 and 3.4 of the call. 2. Professional justification, demand and utilisation The subject of the development has a real tourist attraction and the investment is considered justified The basic tourist infrastructure is available for the reception of tourists in the area 3. The technical and organizational background required for the implementation is fully supported by the technical content of the development. 4. Risks Risk factors have been presented and the risk management strategy has been presented. 5. Project complexity The development is carried out in consortium cooperation and other co-operators are also involved 6. Impact The project contains interactive elements, modern electronic devices The expected residence time of visitors is 2 hours 7. Integrated approach Developments are linked to existing attractions 8. Sustainability The long-term financing of the resulting capacities is ensured, the planned development will reduce GHG emissions The project operator has the appropriate personnel and organisational resources to cooperate with Consortium partners at least until the end of the maintenance period 9. Equal Opportunities Development is carried out taking into account the perspective of equal opportunities 10. Cost-effectiveness The investment is planned with a realistic and cost-effective budget. 11. Effectiveness The development concept contributes realistically to the relevant indicator implementation The tourism development of major cultural and heritage sites in the area, including the development of natural values within the ecotourism development, among the activities eligible for self-eligible support (e.g.: Natura 2000 sites, nature parks, wildlife parks, zoos, historical and collection plant gardens, other natural areas) are being developed in ecotourism. Of the optional actions that are not eligible individually, activities, b, c, d, e, f,k and l are implemented. Among the activities that are not eligible independently, mandatory activities are marketing activities, accessibility, energy efficiency measures and publicity. The project is based on a realistic business plan and is sustainable in the long term — it is designed according to the needs of the target group — it contributes to the increase in the number of visitors. The project to be developed is linked to other tourism services, already existing attractions The human resources needed for implementation are available, tourism experts have been involved. The project provides business opportunities for SMEs Supported facilities are open all year round, but at least 270 days of the year. Parking areas for tourist attractions are available on a non-discriminatory basis 24 hours a day The conditions for separate collection of waste have been established The project offers a real market demand or opportunity solution, proposal Applicants undertake to employ tourist staff. Project promoters undertake to become a full member of a TDM organisation no later than the closing date of the project. The project meets the conditions described in the development of new attractiveness building on the cultural characteristics of the area, and the criteria described in the ecoturistic development section. The project meets the requirements set out in point 3.2.3.