Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 27 October 2017
End date: 26 October 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 282 268,99 €
EU contribution: 251 219,40 € (89%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Use of the tower of the Town Hall of Kiskunhalas for lookout purposes

The present aid application concerns the following of the separate development objectives/resource allocations set out in point 1.2 of the Area-specific Annex to the Call: Primarily, the indicative allocation for the Homokhátság and the Free Entrepreneurship Area areas, but we indicate that our application may also be eligible for the indicative allocation for other county actors. A)Project’s objective: Transforming the tower of Kiskunhalas Town Hall into a lookout for tourism utilisation. The attraction resulting from the development is expected to be visited every year by 2220 people. B) INTERNATIONAL SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES:The tourist development of major cultural and heritage sites in the region, including the creation of new attractiveness building on the cultural features of the region, development of existing ones as follows: renovation of the tower and development of showrooms; complex tourist visitor management system;visitor-friendly functions kialakítása:családbarát project elements; technical developments constituting experience elements, the creation of interactive elements to assist the presentation; the implementation of independent programme elements of the weather: the tower, regardless of the season, can be visited all year round, can be visited all year round; the installation of TEVÉKENYSÉGEK:kapcsolódó and service rooms; creating the image of the future tourist product; family- and child-friendly project elements can be used for telescopes, programmes tailored for children; designed to accommodate people with disabilities, provision of services adapted to their needs:the building is exempted from the mandatory accessibility requirement due to its monumental nature, but the integration of accessible functionalities as far as possible into the project (e.g. with computer remote-controlled camera system connected to displays providing alternative presentation) will be central to the marketing and promotion service related to the marketing of REQUIRED, MUST be placed on the market; accessibility; energy efficiency measures — monuments are limited due to the nature of the buildings.In addition to the barrier-free entrance, solar lighting, ground floor heating modernisation;provision of publicity-the implementation of the mandatory activities required by the call. (C)Compliance with the conditions set out in point 3.2 of the call.The main exhibition of local history and townscapes in the guest room upstairs is a major pontjai:programelemek:1.Állandó exhibition of local history and townscape in the guest room on the floor; Temporary photo exhibitions on the inner wall of the tower;3.Tárlatvezetés:audioguide,visual guide 4.Special events-at least 4 times a year focusing on different target groups (children’s and family programmes; pension events;I love Kiskunhalas event for local residents to strengthen local identity; tourism event with the cooperation of tourist service providers and attractions of the city).5.Special evening opening hours in conjunction with lightgames.6.“tournal tour”. built-in motion sensor photo camera placement, touch panel,visual guide;light play during special evening opening hours. CALÁDBARÁT SZOLGÁLTATÁSOK:1.a is a barrier-free ramp for access to the reception area and accessible toilets are currently available in the town hall building.2 telescopes to be placed in the look-out tower can be used for children;3. telescopes that can be borrowed for children; 4.Organisation of children’s programs,5. design of children’s playgrounds in the guest room;6. design of family parking space.Outstanding,seasonality:Outstanding season, it is open all year round.In the high season and outside, the opening hours of 8 hours a day are provided, any holiday days do not fall on Sundays or celebrations.Accordingly, the average stay in the tower is 1 hour, which can be extended to 4 hours with complex program packages to be developed within the framework of the project.Joint ARCULAT:Developing the image of the attraction is part of the project’s marketing activities.KOMPLEX Visitor Management RENDSZER:audioguide,visual guide; multi-language information and information board systems, publications to help visitors find information and information; remote control camera system with computer connection and display; informing visitors in 3 languages through the visitors-friendly solutions listed above. D) Compliance with the conditions laid down in the section of the tender content assessment criteria The tender complies with the substantive evaluation criteria, in particular the following:the development is in line with the objectives of the call;1 it contains more independently eligible activities;the object of the development has a real tourist attraction,the investment is justified.The further appropriateness is specified in the business plan in detail.

Flag of Hungary  Bács-Kiskun, Hungary