Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 March 2018
End date: 31 July 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 2 674 342,00 €
EU contribution: 2 384 710,76 € (89,17%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Development of an industrial area in Heves City

The overall objective of the project is to increase the economic activity of the village by creating a new industrial area, by moving new businesses to a high level and by helping to increase employment. The direct objective of the project is to increase the creation of jobs in the settlement through the industrial area, thus keeping the population locally and providing favourable conditions for businesses wishing to settle. The indirect objective is to increase the quality of commercial services resulting from the construction of industrial space and to strengthen the coherence of the various sectors, which can also contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the municipality. Technical-professional content: Self-imposed activity: Construction of an industrial area — greenfield development (construction of industrial building — office and workshop building, plant and warehouse building, inner road network and car parks, construction of utilities) accessibility, mandatory publicity, installation of electric charging column. Compliance with the conditions set out in point 3.4 of the call: In the course of the development, an activity that can be implemented independently (development of an industrial area — greenfield development) will be realised. At present, the settlement does not have an area suitable for brownfield investment, a greenfield investment is being carried out. In the event of the planned investment and failure to implement the full technical content, the municipality loses the opportunity to develop the indicators of the local economy. As there is no suitable refurbishable building in the area to be developed, a new construction is warranted. The new buildings to be built will be built taking into account accessibility and energy efficiency requirements. The planned development will take place in the territory owned by the Municipality that submitted the aid, and property relations are in the process of being settled. Suitable for the construction of an industrial area according to the classification of the site. The technical description of the planned development has been attached to the aid application. The budget of the aid application has been adjusted to market prices in a realistic and economical way. As part of the aid application, a business plan has been attached, including a detailed cost-benefit analysis. During the implementation, the mandatory publicity will be ensured on the basis of the relevant provisions of the JTI. The number of car parks to be developed in the course of the development and the charging column for electric vehicles in the parking lot were designed in accordance with the relevant legal requirements. In the course of the project, equal opportunities and environmental aspects have been taken into account in accordance with the relevant standards. The milestones of the project have been designed in the number and content required in the Call, taking into account the interdependence of the activities contained therein. It fulfils any public procurement obligations that may be required by the applicant. Compliance with content and area-specific assessment criteria: The present request for support is in line with the purpose of the Call and includes only eligible activities, including an activity that is individually eligible. It is not subject to any ground for exclusion. The long-term economical operation of the project has been described in the business plan. The detailed business plan of the support request is available. The ownership conditions of the properties serving as the place of development have been presented on the attached ownership sheets, the ownership relations are in the process of being settled. The design survey has been attached to the technical content. The milestones were designed in the number and content of the Call, and their construction was presented in the business plan. The risks of the planned development and the management of those risks are described in the relevant chapter of the business plan. The infrastructure development of the industrial area helps to improve the technical and professional conditions for investments. The planned development will contribute directly and indirectly to employment growth, in line with local and county employment programmes. The new buildings to be built will be built on the basis of the relevant accessibility and energy efficiency requirements. The conditions of equal opportunities have been taken into account during the project. The long-term sustainability of the planned development is described in detail in the business plan. The project’s budget has been compiled in a realistic and economical way, taking into account the internal proportions set out in the Call, taking into account market prices. The planned development contributes to the fulfilment of the relevant indicators of the TOP. The development is in line with the 4 measures of the Heves County Regional Development Programm...

Flag of Hungary  Heves, Hungary