Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 23 March 2018
End date: 15 September 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 1 077 087,00 €
EU contribution: 782 288,29 € (72,63%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Regionális Fejlesztési Programok Irányító Hatósága

Development of a new industrial area in Kiskunhalason

Kiskunhalas city won the title of Industrial Park in December 1999. The Industrial Park of Kiskunhalas is located in the eastern part of the town, which is bounded by Majsai Road to the north, Szegedi út to the west, and to the south by the Kiskunfélegyháza railway line. The area is crossed by industrial siding and a loader is located. The number of companies already operating in the Industrial Park is 14, which are currently all domestic-owned enterprises, which are engaged in a wide range of activities, including packaging and stationery manufacturing, printing, freight forwarding, construction, plastic processing and wood products production. The development of industrial sites is justified by the fact that the part of the existing Industrial Park that has been exploited or sold no longer has the industrial space available as a business environment with adequate infrastructure for businesses in view of the entrepreneurial needs. Recognising all this, the Municipality of Kiskunhalas has set the goal of increasing and expanding the developed industrial areas with the right infrastructure in order to stimulate the local economic development and the job creation capacity of enterprises, since in recent years demand has grown increasingly for developmentable areas, especially industrial areas in the settlement. Based on the feedback from the demand side, it is not enough to manage a single industrial area with adequate infrastructure, but also investment promotion activities, clustering and business management services and cooperation with the county pact are needed. In order to ensure this, in line with phase I, this project would be accompanied by the demolition of the existing building in the planned industrial area, the construction of utilities and the construction of a new exploratory mission. The project includes related machinery purchases (see section 4.2 for detailed technical content) for the operation and maintenance of the industrial site. Areas affected by the development: 6012/3hrs (4 331 m² area), 6012/4 hsrz. (90.329 m² area), fully brownfield area. The project is in line with the economic and employment recovery priority of the Bács-Kiskun county regional development programme and the objective defined therein: Development of an entrepreneurial environment, business development. The specific objective focuses on addressing the investment, training, vocational training and applied research needs of industry and agriculture, which is in line with the activities of development. There is a clear link to the objective of improving employment-enhancing services and infrastructure supporting the reconciliation of family and work responsibilities, as the project contributes to increasing the employment rate to 75 %. According to Government Decree No 290/2014 (XI.26) on the classification of the beneficiary districts, the project is carried out in a “beneficiary” district, and Kiskunhalas City is considered to be a sandback settlement in accordance with Chapter 4.2 of the Bács-Kiskun2020 ITP. The Municipality of Kiskunhalas, as project promoter, declares that it undertakes to cooperate with both county and local district pact organisations. Technical content: The former military area on Szegedi út Kiskunhalas is suitable for the construction of an Industrial Park. In the framework of this project, the utilities would be built and the road will be constructed by connecting to the existing infrastructure, together with the purchase of related machinery. Some of the buildings in the development area, the renovation of which is disproportionately expensive compared to the new construction, will be demolished. As regards utilities: Water supply: A water pressure pipe is established as a connection to the existing system to the property. The mains pressure of the utility line is pü=3.5 bar. Length ca. 700 m. The size of the spinal pipe is predominantly D 160, 110 KPE plastic pipe, guided in the ground. There are also 4 additional hydrants on the mains, which ensure the supply of fire and water. The connection to the backbone network ensures the supply of healthy drinking water through a metering shaft. Planned cost: HUF 17.500,000 gross, unit cost: 25 000 HUF/fm. Construction of a rainwater channel: The current precipitation in the area has not been solved. This is not appropriate for the usability of the area (since a significant part of the area will be built into) and therefore needs to be solved. A cable network of KG-PVC material, 315 in diameter, ca. 700 m long, is being built, guided in the ground. Planned cost: HUF 27,300,000 gross, unit cost: 39.000 HUF/fm. Sewer construction: The municipal waste water generated on the real estate is transferred to the existing public sewer through a network of wires with KG PVC material and gravitational system. Spinal line size DN 315, length ca. 700 m. Cost planned: HUF 20,650,000 gross, unit cost: HUF 29.500/fm. Due to lack of space, the activities...

Flag of Hungary  Bács-Kiskun, Hungary