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project info
Start date: 1 February 2016
End date: 30 June 2018
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 25 443,00 €
EU contribution: 25 443,00 € (100%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Miniszterelnökség


The Municipality of Kiskőrös on the ASP system 257/2016. It is listed in its Government Decree (VIII.31.) as one of the municipalities joining the second stage. In the framework of this tender, the municipalities intend to comply with the provisions of the Government Decree. As part of this, a municipal tax system will be put in place in order to meet the statutory deadline of 1 October 2017. In addition to this, we will also implement the activities required for all specialised systems, given the need to connect to all specialised systems by 1 January 2018. These include the document management system, the electronic administration portal system, including electronic form service, management system, real estate inventory system, industrial and commercial system, inheritance inventory system. The current number of the mayor’s office is 44. After joining the ASP system, the number of persons dealing with the document management system is 40 persons, 1 person with the electronic administration portal, 10 persons with the management system, 1 person with the real estate inventory system and 4 persons with the tax system. The applicant municipality is in category 3, based on the number of inhabitants, on the basis of which it is entitled to claim HUF 9 million. The technical content of the application will be implemented by the applicant within the framework of a milestone, with a final deadline of 30 June 2018. The following tasks will be carried out in the framework of the application in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the accession: acquisition of tools, operational development and regulatory frameworks, creation of conditions related to the electronic administration of municipalities, improvement of data quality of local government systems, migration, travel related to participation in education, testing, sharpening, project management, public information, publicity. Updating internal and external rules during the implementation of the project, drawing up new regulations and regulations if necessary. Align the statutory IT security policy and the document management policy, the management policy and the data protection and data security policy to the ASP’s operating order. Improving the data quality and migration of local government specialised systems. Migration shall be carried out on the basis of a methodology centrally defined by the ASP Centre, with the help of central support, so that data are migrated with a quality that corresponds to the built-in control system. As a result, the cleaning of the current tax system started on 1 February 2016. Travel related to participation in education: necessary to participate in the training organised by the ASP Centre in connection with the introduction of ASP services. Inter-urban travel expenses for the employees concerned in the municipality relating to their participation in the education. Testing, sharpening: when joining the ASP service, municipalities must use their internal resources to test and verify the services to be developed for them and the appropriateness of their operations. The testing activity ends with the reinforcement of the systems and the conclusion of a service contract. The Municipality’s IT specialist reviewed the current assets and proposed the purchase of equipment as follows: With 5 PC monitors with Windows 10 operating system and Microsoft Office 2016 Home&Business, 2 units can be operated with economies of scale compared to printing the volume of documents required for administration, central, multifunctional (A3 scanning, photocopying, printing) printer. And the purchase of 5 card readers for the ASP service with commissioning. The purchase value of the planned assets is HUF 2.409.984 gross on the basis of the lowest bid, which is HUF 249 984,-Ft more than the maximum eligible amount under the call for proposals. By decision No 9/2017 of the Municipal Council of Kiskőrös, the Municipality of Kiskőrös granted HUF 2,000,000 as own resources for the implementation of the tender, HUF 249,984,-Ft for the purchase of equipment and any costs not foreseen during the implementation of the tender.

Flag of Hungary  Bács-Kiskun, Hungary