Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 27 October 2017
End date: 1 December 2021
Fund: n/a
Total budget: 23 266 210,00 €
EU contribution: 14 027 198,01 € (60,29%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium, Környezetvédelmi és Energiahatékonysági Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of the Budapest waste management system, in particular the waste collection, transport and pre-treatment system

In line with the requirements set out in the National Waste Management Public Service Plan, in order to achieve the specific compliance targets, the equipment park (vehicles) providing public waste collection services in the administrative area of the Municipality of Budapest has become necessary to significantly develop and modernise. Within the framework of the present tender, we intend to purchase primarily low-floor, two- and three-axle waste collection machines suitable for the collection of mixed waste up to the maximum amount of aid. The aim of the development is to improve the quality of public service, improve the environmental outcome (reducing harmful emissions), achieve adequate operational safety and improve the cost-effectiveness of the public service. FKF Nonprofit Zrt. has a fleet of more than 400 waste collection machines, but a significant percentage of the stock has already aged. A significant part of the machinery comes from the purchase of machines older than 14 years, the operating costs of which are already very high, so the stock is in any case to be upgraded. In the case of older machines, due to the high number of hours of operation and the mileage run, repair and maintenance tasks become more frequent than other newer machines, thus the operation can only be achieved at considerable cost. The reduction of operating costs can be achieved by modern energy-saving target machines, not least environmental pollution can be reduced. An important objective is that FKF Nonprofit Zrt. — According to the classification of public service provider C/III — in the future, use only dedicated collection machines according to EURO 5 or higher standards. Accordingly, it is absolutely necessary to replace the target machines complying with the EURO 2,3,4 emission standards for the target park. We plan to purchase the target machines in a small part with low floor design (pressed or rotated with compressed superstructure), which is a basic requirement for the collection fleet of a large city of Budapest. The low-floor, 4-person, panoramic-cab machines were specially designed for downtown transport. With the help of the panorama booth, waste collection activities will be significantly safer, given that our machines working on narrow streets must pay particular attention to pedestrian traffic and parking cars. On flights where FKF Nonprofit Zrt. already uses low-floor, panorama-mounted machines, the number of accidents caused has been shown to have decreased.

Flag of Hungary  Budapest, Hungary