Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 26 October 2016
End date: 2 February 2022
Fund: n/a
Total budget: 18 007 990,00 €
EU contribution: 10 844 411,58 € (60,22%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium, Környezetvédelmi és Energiahatékonysági Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of a complex waste management system in Hajdú-Bihar county, in particular the separate collection, transport and pre-treatment system

Under the ISPA programme, 3 large waste treatment centres were established in the county in 2004. The insulated landfill, composting and sorting plant was implemented for separately collected waste in Debrecen, Berettyóújfalu and Hajdúböszörmény. The legislative changes that have elapsed since then justify the further development of the waste management system in the area. The aim of the development is to increase the proportion of waste to be recovered while operating more efficiently, and to divert the waste from landfill as much as possible. Proposal for: The diversion of waste from landfill can take place through two channels: 1. Building a mechanical sorting plant The quantities of waste generated and requiring treatment in the area of the association and the optimisation of the costs (due to future energy recovery possibilities) justify the establishment of a higher capacity optical and mechanical sorting plant in the district of Debrecen. The capacity of the treatment plant to be constructed is 150,000 tonnes/year. The site is available in the vicinity of the current landfill site in Debrecen. (The capacity of the existing infrastructure needs to be assessed.) However, the development needs to be examined at the other two central sites (Berettyóújfalu and Hajdúböszörmény). Whether it is worth treating the collected waste with local sorting plants or pre-treatment prior to delivery to the mechanical sorting site. The central mechanical sorting plant requires the sorting of inert (stone, glass) wastes in order to produce high-quality compost from biologically pure waste. The possibility of installing an X-ray technology sorting unit should be explored. In order to ensure the saleability of the material flow of the mechanical sorting output, the feasibility of an RDF storage system should also be explored. The impact assessment shall also include an examination of the necessity of other machinery investments which enable the service of sorting plants and the handling and transport of tradable materials (compost rotor, loaders, forklifts, roller container fittings, etc.). The problem of leachate treatment should be further investigated. It is necessary to check whether the characteristics of the site (closeness of the waste water plant) justify the purchase of a leachate treatment plant. 2. Separate collection of waste: • container: The conditions for collection are met, but in a large part of the area the collection takes place in a bag. Not everyone uses bag collection. The distribution of pottery with a yellow lid could involve each household. Experience has also shown that the efficiency of collection in districts with bins is greater. In addition, the assessment and acquisition of the needs of the entire service area. • vehicles for separate collection: There are settlements where separate house-to-door collection has not yet taken place. The number of compacted cars required to be procured must be determined to ensure their inclusion and to provide a seamless service. • waste collection yard: There is a waste yard in the area, on the western border of Debrecen. In any case, it is appropriate to set up at least 1 additional waste yard. Specific territorial proposal: On the eastern border of Debrecen, area 02226/4, with a size of 3 920 m². It is worth exploring the creation of 1-1 waste collection yards in Hajdúböszörmény and Berettyóújfalu, as well as the introduction of mobile waste yards. In this case, the purchase of abroller (with large roller) fittings may be necessary. The required capacity needs to be assessed. • treatment of green waste: Green waste is collected in a large part of the area not on a door-to-door basis, but with collection points. It is appropriate to set up additional collection points, or the possibility of creating community composting or house-to-door collection with rigid-walled containers. • sorting plant development: Segregated waste is currently sorted by hand labour on average 1.6-2 shifts. Waste volumes are increasing tendencies and human resources sorting will not be sufficient even in 3 shifts. In the impact assessment, I should consider the possibility of developing the current sorter (integration of optics) or the development of a new, modern sorting plant. Other development needs: 1. Purchase of small bins (60-80 litres): Most of the region did not purchase (or only partially) small bins, but was solved by stickering. This, unfortunately, gives rise to significant abuses. We need to check if these dumpsters can be replaced. The RFID system for collecting vehicles and the supply of container chips The current collection vehicles do not have an RFID system. For better controllability, it is also recommended to examine whether the machinery and container can be equipped with the elements necessary for the operation of the RFID system within the framework of the tender.

Flag of Hungary  Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary