Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 5 December 2016
End date: 30 June 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 62 347 620,87 €
EU contribution: 38 630 585,89 € (61,96%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: NFM Közlekedési Operatív Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Development of main road no. 471 between Debrecen and Hajdúsámson with bypass in Hajdúsámson

The 8.49 km long main road section on a new 2x1 lane bypass in Hajdúsámson avoids Hajdúsámson from the direction of NW. The bypass road has a crown width of 12 m. The track crosses the Debrecen-Mátészalka railway line in two places (in these places there was an overpass over the railway tracks) and 3 junctions were built. The three nodes are as follows: when the 7+ 735 km bypass is separated, there is a roundabout (passing road and the main street), in the 11+ 569 km section, at 4902.j. there is a roundabout, and in the section 15+ 520 km there is a bypassing node, T-shaped connection. On the section, between the 13+ 075-13+ 240 km sections on the right side and between 13+ 160-13+ 325 km sections the axle weight bay was constructed on the left side. The construction works necessary for the four lanes of the section between Debrecen and Hajdúsámson on main road 471 are carried out between the 2+ 850-7+ 405 km section. The phase affected by the intervention is 4.56 km long. The extension to the 2x2 band will take you to Hajdúsámson bypass after the urban phase of Debrecen. There are 3 new traffic-controlled nodes on the section.

Flag of Hungary  Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary