The construction of the M4 expressway aims to establish a link between the North Great Plain region and the capital city. It also aims to ensure the links between the settlements of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Hajdú-Bihar counties, and to establish a direct link with the towns and counties beyond the border. The M4 express road is part of the TEN-T network and therefore plays a significant role in the international road network. Building a direct link with the cross-border regions and settlements (to Romania) The realisation of the project will bring both socio-economic benefits. Accessibility plays a key role in the competitiveness and growth of the economy. It plays an important role in attracting working capital, orienting companies’ location choices, thus also affecting employment and, indirectly, demographic conditions. The lack of links between peripheral and backward regions, factors hampering regional and county cooperation and hindering efforts to catch up will be resolved. The project also upholds the principle of territorial cohesion and solves socio-economic inequalities. Technical content of the project: Phase I: Other roads 7 separate level nodes 1 Pcs Bridges 3 pcs Watercourses 1 Pcs utilities: Communication lines 1 pcs High-voltage wiring 1 pc Medium voltage wiring 2 pcs Low voltage lines 1 pcs Mining communication lines 1 pcs High-pressure gas pipelines 3 pcs Operating communications and power supply Engineering plant and highway police 1 pc Phase II: Road construction 5+ 500-32+ 030 km crossroads 5 pcs Other roads 12 pcs Other roads 58 separate level junctions 2 easy rest pairs 1 Pcs Hidak 20 pcs Watercourses 13 pcs Public utilities: Communication lines 3 pcs Medium voltage wiring 6 pcs Low voltage wiring 2 pcs Water lines 4 Channel lines 3 Pcs Central and high-pressure gas distribution lines 1 pcs High-pressure gas pipelines 2 pcs Operating communications and power supply Axis weighing station pair 1 pcs Border crossing 1 pc