The Applicant is NÖF National Heritage Protection Development Nonprofit Kft., as the applicant for the aid application in accordance with Article 270/2017. (IX. 13) Government Decree No 378/2016, as amended by Government Decree No 378/2016 (XII. 2.) Under Section 34(4a) of Government Decree (Government Decree) it shall carry out the tasks and obligations relating to the National Castle Programme and the National Castle Programme from 16 September 2017. He took over the present tasks from the legal successor of Gyula Forster’s National Heritage Protection and Asset Management Centre (Forster Centre), Budavári Real Estate Development and Operator Nonprofit Kft. NÖF National Heritage Protection Development Nonprofit Kft. may submit an application on its own in accordance with the call for funding, but in the present application it applies with two consortium partners because of the ownership of the development area and the concept of development. The consortium partners are the Hungarian National Museum and the Municipality of Sárospatak. The leader of the consortium is NÖF National Heritage Protection Development Nonprofit Kft. . The objective of the applicant organisation, as defined by a government decree, is to plan and implement the development of the National Castle and Castle Programme for tourism purposes. It is thus currently involved in the implementation of a number of projects supported under this call (GINOP-7.1.1-15). The consortium partners have also carried out a number of projects funded by the European Union. After a thorough assessment and planning of capacities, the applicant company decided how to allocate its own resources to this investment. Therefore, the human, infrastructure and other capacities in the present tender are provided in the long term. The project is managed by the project management staff, in close cooperation with the consortium partners, in constant consultation of the project decisions with the partners. The project directorate and the manager of the project promoter are responsible for the strategic decisions. It is the responsibility of the project manager to make operational decisions. The project manager manages the project in detail, his work is supported by the senior project manager, the technical manager, the financial manager, the project assistants, and from the professional side the tourism expert, externally the public procurement expert. Goal of the development The objectives of the development include the inclusion of the castle in the touristic circulation of the town in the larger area of the castle in Sárospatak, presenting the castle as a unit in its complexity, opening up the previously closed areas to visitors and developing a tourist attraction. In addition, within the framework of the project, the historical monuments related to Rákóczi Castle, the material belonging to the museum and the collection will be presented to visitors in an experiential and professional manner, which is essential for the preservation and presentation of our national values. The simultaneous, coordinated development of the external and internal castle opens up new opportunities for both the Castle Museum and the Municipality to exploit the tourist potential. The Visual Library designed in Rákóczi Castle would like to follow good examples abroad that prove that the valuable collection materials previously blocked in warehouses can be made exciting by the use of appropriate tools. To this end, in architectural and interior design, we place emphasis on the presentation of the unparalleled monumental values (renaissance stones, interiors, etc.) to be carried out with the help of the most modern digital tools and spectacular visual elements that can be used, thus creating a novel approach in Hungary. The ever-increasing number of visitors to the Rákóczi Museum of the Hungarian National Museum also makes it necessary to improve the reception conditions, which is also implemented in the framework of the project. The integration of the external castle into the project completes the tourist utilisation of the Castle District, new attraction elements will be created in the city. The development provides business opportunities for businesses at several points, so we expect the expansion of the city’s tourist services as a result of the project. The Sárospataki Castle is the most important part of our country’s late Renaissance building. The area of the castle and the related estate was acquired by the crown guard Peter Perényi, and after the Battle of Mohács he began to build a new estate centre for his family. From 1660 Ferenc Rákóczi I and his mother Zsófia Báthory, from 1676. Ferenc Rákóczi and Julianna are the owners of the castles. Ferenc Rákóczi’s widow, Ilona Zrínyi, spent several times in the castle with Imre Thököly, her second husband. II. After completing his studies, Ferenc Rákóczi returned to Sárospatak in 1694. This is where Sarolta Hesseni and Amalia set u...