Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 19 December 2017
End date: 31 August 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 1 310 455,85 €
EU contribution: 1 113 887,47 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Zichy Castle of Castle Palace — Trianon Museum for Tourism Development

Title of the project: The tourist development of the Zichy Castle — Trianon Museum in Castle Palace. Place of implementation: 8100 Castle Palace, Count Albert Grove 1., Hrsz: 185/32, Zichy Castle, owned by the Hungarian State and managed by Hungarian Houses Nonprofit Kft., which is home to the Trianon Museum. Number of monuments: 4902, Historical Identification: 10572. The site is an archaeological site. The planned improvements concern an area of 1 601.75 m². Increase in the number of visitors committed to the project: 10.673 persons/year. Our planned project will be carried out in a consortium; the consortium leader, project owner is the National Heritage Protection Development Nonprofit Limited Liability Company, the project partner of the Tria-non Museum Foundation. Total cost of the project: HUF 463.550.000, the aid applied for is 100 %. Of which the consortium manager’s budget (mainly expert, planning costs): HUF 23 340 000, the budget of the consortium member (mainly works, equipment, services): 440 210 000 HUF. The planned duration of the project is 24 months. The justification of the project is far from complete by the utilisation of the tourist potential of Várpalota and the district of Várpalota. The existing natural and man-made values of the micro-region need care and development, thereby increasing and shaping the real demand for tourism. This is particularly justified in order to ensure that tourism’s focus in particular in Lake Balaton and Budapest, as well as its time concentration (high season), is somewhat resolved and demand is more balanced in both respects. For guests of the most sought-after tourist regions, the micro-region is relatively easily accessible, making it a destination for their additional programmes, enriching their opportunities throughout the year. Similarly, the growth in tourism demand for Várpalotá and the micro-region as a result of developments is important for the local economy, the opportunities for SMEs, their incomes and employment. The Zichy Castle of Castle Palace and its Trianon Museum are outstanding cultural and tourist attractions of the Castle Palace and the entire district, which can legitimately count on the interest of travellers with a typical secondary motivation, i.e. looking for an additional program for holidays, holidays and excursions in the area. It should be noted that due to the educational and educational aspects of the exhibition’s theme and its alignment with the curriculum, the primary motivation to visit is also present in our case. The Trianon Museum can fit into the network of the National Castle and Castle Programme as a completely unique element, enriching the offer of the program, since it is the only institution of the Carpathian Basin that deals with the peace treaty and its consequences that have been affected by the First World War, and presents the rich and shocking material and spiritual legacy of the loss of the Trianon country in an institutional setting. At the same time, in order to maximise the tourist potential of the city, it is necessary to develop the Zichy Castle and its museum. The building has no heating, which makes it practically impossible to provide a quality service even outside the main season. In addition, other conservative problems threaten the physical state of the castle, its preservation and thus the quality of the current function. The building has neither a cloakroom nor a buffet, nor is it accessible. The nearby surroundings of the museum, the castle garden, also need to be restored. At present, the institution mainly uses traditional presentation and visitor management techniques and solutions, while the needs of visitors, especially from younger generations, have now gone well beyond these conditions. Moreover, it would undoubtedly benefit the castle/museum if it could be more “visible” and accessible to interested parties as part of the National Castle and Castle Programme’s tourism network. The overall objective of the project, which will be implemented in the long term, is to strengthen the tourism of the district and the region, to reduce its temporal and spatial concentration. The direct aim of the project is to protect, preserve and exploit the Zichy Castle in Castle Palace (Trianon Museum), to increase the number of visitors and operating revenues. We intend to achieve this by achieving the following two sub-targets: — Extension of the tourist season — Strengthening the effectiveness of visitors’ experience and knowledge transfer Sub-objectives: — Creating the right conditions for winter opening hours — Better meeting the needs of young people and school groups — Developing the material, installation and demonstration technique of the demonstrations — Technically key preservation of the building — Development of additional services — Management of the surroundings of the castle Planned Measures/expected results — Building the heating system — Development of 3D and VR tools and content — ...

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