Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 27 June 2017
End date: 30 September 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 12 559 600,52 €
EU contribution: 10 675 660,44 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of the Esterházy Castle in Fertőd for tourist purposes

Applicant: Budavári Real Estate Development and Operator Nonprofit Kft (hereinafter: Budavári Kft.) is a non-profit company, legal entity. Its core activity is the preservation, development, exploitation and operation of certain properties of high cultural heritage value held permanently in state ownership, including the provision of museums, culture and other cultural services. Act LXIV of 2001 on the protection of cultural heritage (hereinafter: In the present project the Applicant intends to further develop the Esterházy Castle in Fertőd and to enrich the range of services offered by other tourist attractions. Topographical number of the area to be developed: Hrv. 141 (Hotel) Address: 9431 Fertőd-Eszterháza, Joseph Haydn street 2. Consortium: Budavári Kft., as a consortium member and partner, is involved in the implementation and maintenance of the project by the “NISTEMA” Trade and Service Nonprofit Company (hereinafter: “NISTEMA” Ltd.). The division of tasks shall be as follows: Budavári Kft. commissions the feasibility study, has the construction design documentation and the restoration plan prepared, and compiles public procurement. The Consortium Members share the investment activities and the costs of the services related to the professional implementation. Budavári Kft. and “NISTEMA” Ltd. share the costs related to the professional implementation and the general (overhead) costs, as well as project management tasks. The task of “NISTEMA” Ltd. is to perform the operational tasks and the indicators. Budavári Kft. declares the project costs on a gross basis, and “NISTEMA” Kft. declares the project costs net. The aid intensity of the project is 100 % and the aid applied for is HUF 3 billion. Objectives: Fertőd-Eszterháza is a World Heritage Site and is currently the third most visited Hungarian castle, one of the “flagships” of the National Castle Programme. In addition to the criteria of the call for support, the sustainability of the castle, the construction of the Eszterháza brand, and to increase international competitiveness, it is essential that the present development is well founded from a tourist point of view and fits into a medium- and long-term strategy. The priority is to expand the attractions in a target group-specific way, to increase the number of visitors to the castle complex, to improve the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of the site. The basic goal of the Castle is to exploit — further — tourism, create the conditions for sustainability, preserve and restore its cultural values, create an independent tourist attraction, provide unique, innovative tourist services for foreign and Hungarian visitors, and provide business opportunities for collaborative SME partners. This will also help to increase the region’s attractiveness to tourism. The attraction development offers a complete solution for foreign and Hungarian guests, as well as offers a package of tourism programmes through the cooperation partners, which increases the average stay of tourists regardless of seasonality and is also able to increase the revenue of the tourism sector. The planned investment also contributes to the Government’s economic development goals, as it provides direct and indirect business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises through the development, and further increases the demand for tourism with strong multiplier effects, thus contributing significantly to job creation. The financial objective of the development and the expected result of the development is that the castle ensemble can operate in a profitable manner. Costs: Project preparation costs include carrying out a feasibility study, which is a mandatory element of the application. Additional cost items e.g. preparation of licensee and construction plans with the involvement of an external designer. The activities covered by the Public Procurement Act require the involvement of an official public procurement consultant in the implementation of the project. Within the construction costs, we intend to carry out a number of activities, such as building renovation, restoration of built-in elements, the construction of tourist attraction elements for demonstration/interpretation. Purchase of equipment essential for its operation, installation of the exhibition space, purchase of equipment for display/interpretation elements. Intangible assets included intangible costs of tourist attraction elements. Attraction: Main attraction: within the framework of the GINOP project, the castle is uniquely beautiful and restored to its originality.

Flag of Hungary  Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hungary