Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 30 January 2017
End date: 31 December 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 4 523 200,00 €
EU contribution: 3 844 720,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság


The subject of the grant application is the second phase of the renovation of the Füzér Castle, in which we expand the experience-friendly, visitor-friendly attractions. The location of the development is the Füzér Castle and its immediate surroundings. As the legal successor of Forster Centre, this project is to be implemented by the Budavári Real Estate Development NKft., the Municipality of Füzér Municipality and the Füzér Castle Management Authority. Budavári Real Estate developer assists in the preparation and technical tasks. The task of Füzér Castle Care is to operate the castle, to bring together tourist programs, to present it uniformly, while preserving the rural traditions; provision of infrastructure background for the organisation of joint tourism services and programmes; providing information on surrounding settlements, tourist service providers and attractions; this will contribute to increasing the number of guests. The Municipality of Füzér, as Consortium Member, plans to purchase the following properties: For the connection of the Castle Walk and Hadi Road Füzér 0157/3 and 0157/4hrs; The Füzér 03/2hrsz: 5 hrs; Solar panel park design in Füzér 18 hrsz; 332 hrs; 326 hrs, 333/2 hrs. After the purchase of the real estate, it will hand it over to the Füzér Castle Care Authority, so that it can start the construction works. The Füzér Castle Hill property No 0161/2 consists of the asset management of MNV Zrt. and the operation of the Füzér Castle Care Authority. In the present project, the Asset Manager gave its consent to the submission of the application. Füzér Vára represents the only cultural heritage in Hungary, which is currently partially utilised from a tourist point of view, because so far the reconstruction works only covered half of Felsővár. Previously, the palace wings of Füzér Upper Castle, Castle Chapel, Lower Bastion, infrastructure and the Lower Castle were built. The ruinous fortress walls remaining between the two developments show a sharp contrast with the reconstructed palace shingles. In order to make the castle even more attractive to visitors, it is necessary to continue reconstruction, to expand exhibitions, attractions and interactive opportunities, to implement new elements of experience. The development is based on the traditions of the castle, but at the same time it favours experiential presentations and incorporates new attraction elements into the visitor routes to increase the number of visitors and the time spent. The raison d’être of the developments in Füzér is confirmed by the results of the primary research carried out. At the site of development, the visitor can gain experiences in a contemporary environment after creating interactive, contemporary, unique tools, experience elements and products, by participating in permanent and periodic programs, the central goal of which is to make the atmosphere of the Castle of the 16th-17th century “real to life” as a “REG-LIVE” VAR. Development of a unique tourist profile: During the project we create unique supply elements, with live workshops with presentations, using interactive tools. Description of the original function of the site: The Parking Garden and Toy Garden evoke the medieval atmosphere. In the Upper Castle, the Rimay House — János Rimay presents the life of poet, the Deák house is a calligraphy workshop, while in the house of the Castle Captain, a room presenting the life of the castle captain in an interactive way is set up. Visitors can enter the castle by wearing medieval clothes. Renaissance garden show, built around the reconstructed working fountain. Kitchen and Ovenhouse are the venue for interactive gastronomic demonstrations. The natural environment surrounding the castle can be seen with panoramic telescopes. Exhibition- research- study room to learn about interactive exhibition content. Castle Theatre — 200 people — for stage performances, concerts, traditional shows. It’s Starda. 3D projection room. Creation of conditions for tourist reception, establishment of reception spaces: Füzér- Lower castle café design. Füzér Castle Parking — expansion of bicycle storages, barrier-free car parks and bus parks. It’s a hanging garden and a toy garden. A multifunctional room for presenting a collection is already available: Upstairs exhibition space, Dining Palace and Old Palace. Monument renovation, restoration, restoration: Reconstruction of the farm wings of Füzér Upper Castle, the house of Rimay, its tower walls, murderers and castle yards. Parking and refurbishment of castle gardens: Castle castle hanging garden with reconstruction of the expected lakes, playing field, visiting walking paths, resting places, benches and boards. Development of the immediate environment of attractions: Parking extension, bench reinforcement. Connecting the Southern Castle Walk and Hadi Road with the establishment of a hiking trail. Professional restoration and acquisition of the artefacts and tools needed fo...

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