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project info
Start date: 13 December 2017
End date: 31 October 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 4 240 500,00 €
EU contribution: 3 604 425,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of the Festetics Castle in Keszthely for tourist purposes

Applicant: The Forster Gyula National Centre for Heritage Protection and Asset Management (hereinafter referred to as: Forster Centre) is a central budgetary body and legal entity with national competence, which operates independently and manages it. Its core activity is the preservation, development, exploitation and operation of certain properties of high cultural heritage value held permanently in state ownership, including the provision of museums, culture and other cultural services. It performs the maintenance, development, utilisation and operation of the state-owned heritage in its asset management, the prominent monuments, monuments, monumental values and archaeological sites, equipment and collections within the framework of Heritage Management. In the present project, the Applicant intends to renovate the Festetics Castle in Keszthely, Zala county, and to enrich its range of services with additional tourist attractions. Location of the project: 8360 Keszthely, Castle u.1. GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: 2008, 2009, 1687/1, 1690/1 Objectives: Strengthening competitiveness at international level and improving financial sustainability can only be achieved through the introduction of new services, further development of exhibitions and castle buildings, thereby achieving a higher number of visitors. The aim of the development in the consortium is to create individual attraction elements that are based only on the specific values of the Keszthely Castle and operate with continuously high occupancy throughout the year, which with the existing services of the castle create a complex heritage tourism offer that fills the gap in a package. The development aspect is to expand the service range of Festetics Castle by creating and further developing products tailored to the needs of the target groups, as well as attracting new target groups and increasing the number of returning visitors. The financial objective of the development and the expected result of the development is that the Festetics Castle in Keszthely can operate profitablely without external state aid and can carry out minor repairs and maintenance on its own and without an external source. Consortium: As a consortium member, Forster Centre involves Budavári Real Estate Development and Operator Nonprofit Kft. and Helikon Castle Museum Közhasznú Nonproft Kft. The leader of the consortium is Forster Centre. In the implementation of the project, the tasks will be shared by the participants in the consortium: The Forster Centre is responsible for the feasibility study and project management, while Budavári Nkft manages staff expenditure (salaries, travel costs, accommodation costs, corporate management costs), other (e.g.: marketing, design management, construction, equipment acquisition, publicity, audit, public procurement) are the tasks of Helikon Nkft. The operation of the castle continues to be performed by the Helikon Castle Museum. The Forster Centre and Budavár Nonprofit Nkft account for the project costs gross and the Helikon Castle Museum net. The aid intensity of the project is 100 % and the aid requested is HUF 1.5 billion. Improvements: The developments are carried out in several areas of the complex: in the main building, in addition to partial mechanical renovation, interior reconstruction, a new exhibition theme will be developed, as well as light painting will be completed, the hunting museum will be expanded with two new dioramas, as a new attraction the construction of a horse- and greyhound and an ornamental birdhouse will be realised. The project also includes the reconstruction and presentation of the former milking house, as well as the development of a wildlife park and petting zoo. The implementation of a historical playground for children is a niche development. Due to the significant expansion of accessible areas, environmentally friendly transport within the park is also ensured. Project preparation costs include a feasibility study. Additional cost items e.g. preparation of licensee and construction plans (milking house, dioramas, ornamental birdhouse) with the involvement of an external designer, as well as the preparation of restoration and exhibition plans. The activities covered by the Public Procurement Act require the involvement of an official public procurement consultant in the implementation of the project. The area preparation cost includes the cost of preparing the ERD and the necessary earthworks. Within the construction costs, we intend to carry out a number of activities, such as: renovation of buildings, restoration of built-in elements, construction of attraction elements (tourism) for displayability/interpretation, deterrence of architectural and touristic aspects, construction of service facilities. In order to operate the castle, it is essential to purchase the equipment for the operation of the castle, the equipment of the exhibition space, the purchase of the equipment of attraction elements for display/inte...

Flag of Hungary  Zala, Hungary