Consortium leader: The Forster Gyula National Centre for Heritage Protection and Asset Management (Forster Centre) is a central budgetary body and legal entity with national competence, which operates independently and manages it. Its core activity is the preservation, development, exploitation and operation of certain properties of high cultural heritage value held permanently in state ownership, including the provision of museums, culture and other cultural services. It performs the maintenance, development, utilisation and operation of the state-owned heritage in its asset management, the prominent monuments, monuments, monumental values and archaeological sites, equipment and collections within the framework of Heritage Management. This project is a development of real estate that is not owned by its own assets. As consortium leader, Forster Center intends to further develop the Károlyi Castle of Fehérvárcsurgói and to enrich the range of services with additional tourist attractions. Topographical numbers of areas to be developed: 023/5, 023/6, 592, 610/1, 610/2, 610/3, 610/4, 615/1, 611, 612; Address: 8052 Fehérvárcsurgó, Petőfi street 2. Consortium: As a consortium member, Forster Centre involves the Károlyi József Foundation (Foundation) and the Budavári Real Estate Development and Operator Nonprofit Kft (Budavári Nonprofit Kft.) in the implementation and maintenance of the project. The consortium is headed by Forster Centre. Division of tasks: The Foundation will have the feasibility study carried out in preparation for the project and the necessary planning documents (developing a professional programme; necessary background studies and opinions). Budavári Nonprofit Kft. conducts public procurement on behalf of the Consortium. The consortium members share project implementation activities (investment, professional services, tasks of staff involved in the technical implementation, general (overhead) costs and project management tasks) as set out in the consortium agreement. The operational tasks and the performance of the indicators are the responsibility of the Károlyi József Foundation. The aid intensity of the project is 100 % and the aid applied for is HUF 1.5 billion. Objectives: The Károlyi Castle of Fehérvárcsurgó as a cultural tourist attraction is multifunctional, i.e. the visitors are partly welcomed while maintaining the original operation. In terms of location, it is of a node nature, i.e. an attractiveness located in a well-defined area. The current offer of the castle is dominated by architectural and artistic works and objects. The existing festivals and events generate a significant number of visitors, so it is important to plan the organisation and organisation of further permanent thematic events. The current offer lacks strong attraction elements on which a unique exhibition theme can be built, thus making the venue attractive to a wider audience. The castle and the ancient park surrounding the castle are very good for the organisation of various family and corporate events, the planned infrastructure investments complete the supply structure. However, in order to achieve the optimal level of operation of the existing and developed offer, it is recommended that the castle display MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Events) much more visible than at present. The complex offer of the castle justifies the pursuit of a much more pronounced marketing activity, where the focus is on the offer of the castle. In the planned adventure elements, we have taken into account the multi-threaded attachment of the Károlyi family and the castle to the French culture, so we consider this to be the USP of the castle. (Unique Selling Proposition — means a unique gift and offer on the basis of which the potential guest chooses a given destination) Based on this, the tourist offer of the castle can be made more complex. The developments carried out during the project aim to expand the tourist offer and create new attractions, in order to increase the tourist stay time, to increase the number of visitors to the castle and, at the same time, to increase the turnover, which can ensure the financing of the operation of the castle. The extension of the cultural offer of the castle provides visitors with a wider cultural opportunity by getting to know the rooms furnished in the newly renovated buildings and by visiting interactive attractions and cultural programs. All of these offers contribute to the education and recreation of tourists. The planned investment also contributes to the Government’s economic development goals, as it provides direct and indirect business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises through the development, and further increases the demand for tourism with strong multiplier effects, thus significantly adding