Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 20 December 2017
End date: 30 September 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 7 243 680,20 €
EU contribution: 6 157 128,17 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of Széchenyi Castle in Nagycenk for tourist purposes

The subject of the grant application is the renovation of Széchenyi Castle in Nagycenk, and its experience-friendly and visitor-friendly development. The sites of the development are the main building belonging to the Széchenyi estate centre, the Red Castle, the Flower House, the Castle Park, the guard houses, the studyard and the linden tree line. This project is to be implemented in a consortium form by Forster Centre, Eszterháza Centre and Budavári Real Estate Development NKft. One of the tasks of Forster Centre is to develop EU and domestic projects for state-owned monuments and monuments classified as national assets of major importance from the national economic point of view, which will allow the buildings to renew their cultural and historical values and to further strengthen them as tourist attractions. The current operator Eszterháza Centre is responsible for bringing together, developing and operating the key state-owned properties of the Fertő region, the Esterházy Castle Ensemble of Fertő and the Széchenyi Castle in Nagycenk, for cultural purposes, and transforming them into a high-quality tourist attraction. Budavári Real Estate developer assists in the preparation and technical tasks. The reason for the development is that the castle has not been extensively renovated since the 1970s, only maintenance has been carried out on certain wings, the Red Castle is out of use, the Lovarda is neglected, the protected linden tree line is in critical condition. In addition to the need to remedy the infrastructural deficiencies, it is essential to rethink the concept of visitor management of the castle. In the present form, the facility is unsuitable for the sudden arrival of masses, the exhibitions are understandable for renewal and the introduction of interactive elements. The basic aim is to create a national memorial that is capable of meeting experience-oriented demand in line with tourism trends. The development is based on the traditions of the castle, but at the same time it favours experiential presentations and incorporates new attraction elements into the visitor routes with the aim of increasing the number of visitors and the time spent, reducing the territorial and temporal concentration of the visits. Building on the unique riding and historical traditions of the site, the aim is to create a more specific tourist profile, and to renovate the exhibitions to provide quality presentation with an incentive for interactive participation. The long-term goal is for the castle and its orderly environment to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of local residents and to have a positive social impact as a cultural centre. The target groups were defined on the basis of a market survey and a supply-demand analysis. Over 90 % of the visitors of the castle with 22 to 29 thousand people are Hungarian. 45 % of the visitors come in the context of a school trip. The primary target groups of the travel motivation; visitors who are receptive to school groups, cultural heritage and history (Széchenyi heritage visitors and classical castle visitors). We intend to increase the number of visitors of pensioners and families with children through the services developed for them in the framework of the project. Secondary target groups are holiday resorts in the area, participants in health care and other active tourism. Another target group is Hungarians living abroad who like to visit historical sites. Other target groups, not exhibitions, but other services and event capacity of the castle: embassies in Budapest, cultural institutes. As an event venue, the castle will be more attractive than before, especially in the case of weddings. In addition to the above target groups, the beneficiaries of the development are local enterprises and self-government, which can generate additional income thanks to the project, as well as the population, educational and cultural institutions and schools of the region, who will receive a new venue for museum pedagogical activities and cultural programmes. In the main building, the areas of the ground floor memorial museum are being developed with interactive, interpretative elements, the Széchenyi Suite will be restored, the facade will be refurbished, an event space will be built in the inner courtyard. On the ground floor of the Red Castle, a museum pedagogical room, a reception area, an event space that functions as a temporary exhibition space, a historical team game is installed on its floor, building on the cultural history theme of the 18th-19th century. As part of an interactive exhibition, men’s and women’s changing rooms, as well as the former guest quarters of the lord, can be presented with replica equipment and usable, modern devices. A coffee shop is set up in the flower house. The reconstruction of the castle park continues, the thematic playground connected to the Széchenyi family will also be created. The exterior facade and exterior doors of the ...

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