Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 30 June 2016
End date: 30 November 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 4 872 334,50 €
EU contribution: 4 141 484,33 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of the Sándor-Metternich Castle Ensemble and its park in Bajna for tourist purposes

Applicant: The Forster Gyula National Centre for Heritage Protection and Asset Management (hereinafter referred to as: Forster Centre) is a central budgetary body and legal entity with national competence, which operates independently and manages it. In the present project, the Sándor-Metternich Castle Ensemble in Bajna, Komárom-Esztergom County, aims to renovate the range of services offered by tourist attractions. Location of the project: 2525 Bajna, Rákóczi u. 3, Hrsz.: 565/2, 566, 568/1. Objectives: The aim of the development is to create a competitive, multifunctional cultural and tourist attraction, which can become the dominant tourist attraction of the region by promoting its economic recovery, the emergence of entrepreneurial capital, the implementation of rehabilitation and infrastructure development that is closely linked to the project to serve tourists, and to ensure profitable operation. In order for this to happen, the number of visitors and revenues set must be met. The best way to achieve this is to identify the target groups and address them with the appropriate marketing communication tools. Consortium: As a consortium member, Forster Centre involves Budavári Real Estate Development and Operator Nonprofit Kft. as a partner in the implementation and maintenance of the project. The consortium leader is Forster Centre. In the implementation of the project, the tasks will be shared by the participants in the consortium as follows: The Forster Centre prepares and arranges plans, related background studies, performs project management during implementation, manages the progress of the project with the help of professional colleagues and participates in the implementation of the project’s professional tasks. Budavári Real Estate developer implements the public procurement, all investment and professional service tasks, if necessary using the reserve. At the same time, it will take over the operation tasks of the castle from the Forster Centre. The Forster Centre accounts for the project costs gross and the Budavári Real Estate developer on a net basis. The aid intensity of the project is 100 % and the aid requested is HUF 1.5 billion, of which HUF 7.5 million falls into the ‘de minimis’ category, i.e. de minimis. Improvements: The total renovation of the building complex is not possible under the funding envelope, so the project targets the high-profile monument values. The development area extends to both levels of the main building, almost all of which are equipped with baroque or classicist decorative wall paintings, by renowned foreign masters. In the south-eastern wing of the Administrative Court we will establish the operating areas, and the orange house can receive even more attention, where we plan to create an exhibition and event space. The rest of the complex will be decayed so that visitors can walk around without accidents. During the development of the castle garden, we focus on the restoration of the inner yard, the ornamental garden in front of the orange house and the immediate surroundings of the castle. The rest of the castle garden will be made safely accessible to visitors by the creation of small paths, and tourist attraction elements will be developed in several places. Project preparation costs include carrying out a feasibility study, which is a mandatory element of the application. Additional cost items e.g. preparation of licensee and construction plans with the involvement of an external designer, restoration plan and exhibition plan. The activities covered by the Public Procurement Act require the involvement of an official public procurement consultant in the implementation of the project. The area preparation cost includes the cost of preparing the ERD and the necessary earthworks. Within the construction costs, we intend to carry out a number of activities, such as: building renovation, restoration of built-in elements, construction of attraction elements for displayability/interpretation, parking and renovation of the castle garden, car park construction. Within the framework of the purchase of equipment, the purchase of the operating equipment, the equipment of the exhibition space, the purchase of the equipment of the attraction elements for the interpretation and the works of art to be placed in the exhibition are essential for the operation of the castle, or to remanufacture it as replica. Intangible assets included intangible costs of tradability traction elements. Attraction: Thanks to the development of the Sándor-Metternich Castle in Bajna, the formerly lost function and closed facility, weather independent cultural attraction that can be visited all year round. On the one hand, the site can appear as an independent, prominent element in the supply range of the Central Transdanubia region, but it will also operate in synergy with other tourist products of the region (active, ecotourism, wine tourism), thus also having a positive impact on the wide...

Flag of Hungary  Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary