Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 15 August 2018
End date: 31 March 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 4 872 334,50 €
EU contribution: 4 141 484,33 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of the Nádasdy Castle for tourist purposes

Applicant: The Forster Gyula National Centre for Heritage Protection and Asset Management (hereinafter referred to as: Forster Centre) is a central budgetary body and legal entity with national competence, which operates independently and manages it. Its core activity is the preservation, development, exploitation and operation of certain properties of high cultural heritage value held permanently in state ownership, including the provision of museums, culture and other cultural services. It performs the maintenance, development, utilisation and operation of the state-owned heritage in its asset management, the prominent monuments, monuments, monumental values and archaeological sites, equipment and collections within the framework of Heritage Management. In the present project, the Applicant intends to renovate the Nádasdy Castle in Nádasdladány, Fejér County, and to enrich the range of services offered by other tourist attractions. Location of the project: Nádasdladány, Castle 2, HRSZ: 242/3, 242/2, 242/5, 2017/15 Objectives: The basic goal of the development is to create a competitive, multifunctional cultural and tourism attraction that can become the dominant tourist attraction of the region, promoting its economic recovery, the emergence of entrepreneurial capital, and the implementation of rehabilitation and infrastructure development for visiting tourists, which is closely linked to the project. The financial objective of the development, as well as the expected result, is that Nádasdy Castle can operate profitably without external state aid and can carry out minor repairs and maintenance on its own and without any external source. In order to be able to comply with the above, the number of visitors and revenues set must be met. The best way to achieve this is to identify the primary target group and use appropriate marketing communication tools. When using different marketing tools, tourists choose the Nádasdy Castle as a place to spend their free time, it is important that with the planned, built attractions, they get more, better services and experiences than they expected. Consortium: As a consortium member, Forster Centre involves Budavári Real Estate Development and Operator Nonprofit Kft. as a partner in the implementation and maintenance of the project. The consortium leader is Forster Centre. In the implementation of the project, the tasks will be shared by the participants in the consortium as follows: The Forster Centre prepares and arranges plans, related background studies, performs project management during implementation, manages the progress of the project with the help of professional colleagues and participates in the implementation of the project’s professional tasks. Budavári Real Estate developer implements the public procurement, all investment and professional service tasks, if necessary using the reserve. At the same time, it will take over the operation tasks of the castle from the Forster Centre. The Forster Centre accounts for the project costs gross and the Budavári Real Estate developer on a net basis. The Budavári Real Estate developer is considered to be a taxable person under the VAT Act in force. In the case of the activities carried out in the framework of the project, as well as the rental and operation of certain parts of the building of the planned castle, he/she is entitled to claim VAT for all activities. Forster Centre will not be entitled to deduct VAT in respect of the investment. The aid intensity of the project is 100 % and the aid requested is HUF 1.5 billion, of which HUF 7.5 million falls into the ‘de minimis’ category, i.e. de minimis. Improvements: The reconstruction of the partly renovated ground floor spaces will be completed in the main wing of the Castle, the reconstruction of the conservatory will be realised, the cellar, the floor and the so-called Schmidegg wing will be renewed. Parking is built in the garden, the Magtár, the water tower, the goalkeeper house will be refurbished with a change of function, and we will reconstruct the former “economic woman” house as well. In the park we ensure accident-free access. In addition to the partial restoration of the walkway system and the renovation of some garden attractions, the landscape lake will be restored with insulated beds and works of art necessary to ensure water supply. Project preparation costs include carrying out a feasibility study, which is a mandatory element of the application. Additional cost items e.g. preparation of licensee and construction plans (castle, garden, lake, car park) with the involvement of an external designer, restoration plan and exhibition plan. A. Activities covered by the Public Procurement Act require the involvement of an official public procurement consultant in the implementation of the project. The area preparation cost includes the costs of preparing the ERD and the necessary earthworks. Within the construction costs, we intend to carry out a ...

Flag of Hungary  Fejér, Hungary