The Association for Lifelong Learning is an association of non-profit and non-profit organisations in Hungary. In its current form, it started operating in 2006, although the cooperation of its member organisations has a history of more than 20 years. The Association currently has 15 member organisations, is a member of several international professional organisations and has extensive international relations. The fundamental objective of the organisation, as declared in its statutes, is to establish professional dialogue and cooperation with education, employment organisations and social partners, both within and outside national borders, in order to promote access to basic skills and competences and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Furthermore, the development of human resources, the strengthening of the employability and competitiveness of the active-age population through the practical tools of lifelong learning in the local target groups of member organisations and partner organisations is essential for the development of the Hungarian economy. With the support of EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms, the Association established in 2010 an Open Learning Centre in 9 disadvantaged regions and districts in cooperation with the methodological background institute of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research for the development of basic skills, the Norwegian Ministry of Education, Adult Learning Institute and 9 member organisations. The NYITS network is highly recognised in Europe and considered by the European Commission as an exemplary project. Building on and using the experience of the pilot project, in order to make extensive use of the model, the Association TÁMOP 5.3.9.-11/1-“The NYITOK Network for Social Inclusion” has implemented the national extension of the NYITOK network and the establishment of a national methodological and knowledge centre supporting the centres. The ‘NYITS Network for the Development of Labour Market Competences’ is part of the two objectives of Széchenyi 2020 and contributes to the objective of priority 6 of the EDIOP. The main objective of the project is to increase employability through the development of key competences and transversal skills required for the labour market of active age. In addition, the overall objective is to link the needs of adults, labour market actors and providers of adult learning opportunities to better match labour demand and supply. The activities proposed under the EDIOP 6.1.4-16 programme have been designed and developed according to the following activity components: Preparatory activities (assessment of the state of the network, the ability to cooperate and the local operating conditions of the NEW Centres in view of the needs of the implementation of the programme; mapping of new potential network sites; carrying out a feasibility study; carrying out procurement plans and documentation and procedures; licensing procedure for training programmes) 1.Component network organisation: activities aimed at developing, operating, strengthening network cooperation and sustainability (renewal of the network cooperation system; building and maintaining a network network; operation of a network information and administration system; strengthening Network Sustainability; Network Communication) 2.Component-Operation of Local Open Learning Centres: target groups to learn and develop skills (initiation of local partnerships and collaborations; needs and needs assessment, development of a local service concept; engaging and motivating the local community; reaching out to target groups, providing information, learning counselling; inclusion of target groups, facilitation of individual and group learning, competence development; the involvement of trainers and volunteer supporters; implementation of a programme of motivation for small and medium-sized enterprises; follow-up to learning; 3.Establishment of the Knowledge and Professional Support Centre (Knowledge Generation — Maintaining and Developing the Knowledge Base of NYITOK, operation of the NYITOK Knowledge Centre; professional support for local implementation — Professional Support Task Force) 4. Component 3 — central development of learning programmes (design and development of NYITOK learning programmes; development and promotion of e-learning curricula; the detailed information and descriptions on the organisation implementing the project, the objectives of the development and the technical content of the implementation are set out in the Implementation Study and the timeline of the project. The detailed justification for the project budget is presented in the Financial Data section.