Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 November 2017
End date: 31 March 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 13 371 710,00 €
EU contribution: 8 480 338,48 € (63,42%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Consolidation, capacity and performance of government networks and development of institutions’ network access and connections

In 2010, the Government decided that the network providing information and communication links to governmental and administrative institutions, which are fragmented and mainly provided by market operators, should be replaced by a network based on essentially state-owned network elements. The decision resulted in the creation of the National Telecommunications Spinning Network (NTG), which is MVM Zrt. — Since its establishment on 1st March 2012, MVM NET Zrt. — based on its network infrastructure. According to the established operating model, MVM NET provides NISZ Zrt. with L2 network connections according to ITU-T X.200 recommendation. The subscriber services over the network are provided by NISZ Zrt. to the public users. The aim of the implementation was to consolidate the state-owned telecommunications networks taking into account standardisation and rationalisation of costs. Thanks to the developments, a significant part of the 16 governmental networks named in 2010 were consolidated into the single NTG core network by 2014. Government Purpose Networks No 346/2010 (XII. Government Decree No 31/2001 (hereinafter referred to as: The last amendment distinguishes only 5 government networks: a) National telecommunications spine network; B) Unified Digital Radiocommunication System; C) Closed Law Enforcement Network; D) Public network; e) K-600/KTIR Communications and Information Technology System. The strategic objective is to ensure that the State provides its own institutions and municipalities and their institutions with a wide range of electronic communications infrastructure necessary for the performance of public tasks, making the most extensive use of state-owned electronic communications networks. The network coverage of public institutions is quite heterogeneous given that a lower level of service and connection bandwidth was sufficient to perform tasks in the previous period. However, the use of new ICT tools and increasing network capacities (i.e. increasing the average bandwidth in institutions from 15.3 Mbps to at least 30 Mbps) are now essential to reap the benefits of technological progress. The ever-increasing demand for bandwidth, the increasing take-up of bandwidth-intensive applications and the development of e-administration and its IT tools require that public institutions also have sufficient capacity to perform their own tasks smoothly and to serve citizens who turn to them quickly and in quality. These tasks are currently served on the National Telecommunications Spine Network (hereinafter referred to as: NTG) is done. The territorial extension of administrative customer contact points, the expansion of the user base, the modernisation of the IT applications and systems supporting the operation, the tools used by the public administration (mobile and fixed) require the development of the NTG in the short term in terms of both geographical extension and capacity expansion. The priority objective of actions 4 of priority 3 of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme is to develop next-generation broadband networks and access, including consolidation, capacity and performance of government networks and the provision of ICT networks with adequate bandwidth and capacity for public and municipal institutions. In line with this, the specific developments of the project aim, on the one hand, to make the services of the NTG available in all municipalities where public administration and municipal administration functions are performed by 2018, and to provide public administration, publicly funded IT services through NTG, on a state-owned network or on a network managed by a state-owned service provider. By continuing to consolidate the network, it must be ensured that ICT infrastructure assets (cables, ducts, towers, buildings, etc.) owned directly or indirectly by the State-owned service providers can be used without hindrance for the performance of public service tasks. The aim of the development is to serve state and municipal institutions throughout the country with network connections with appropriate bandwidth, with high availability, in a secure and cost-effective way. In order to achieve the above objectives, the organisations applying for funding undertake, in the framework of the cooperation, to: • ensure the expansion of the capacity and nodes of the National Telecommunications Spine Network and the completion of the consolidation of state-owned networks; • adequate bandwidth access is ensured in state, administrative and municipal institutions that do not yet have a high bandwidth connection. The Government will benefit from a total grant of HUF 4.73 billion in non-repayable grants for a project meeting the conditions of the call.

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