Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 December 2016
End date: 31 March 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 8 077 021,70 €
EU contribution: 5 653 915,19 € (70%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Development of institutions’ network access and connections

In 2010, the Government decided that the network providing information and communication links to governmental and administrative institutions, which are fragmented and mainly provided by market operators, should be replaced by a network based on essentially state-owned network elements. The decision resulted in the creation of the National Telecommunications Spinning Network (NTG), which is MVM Zrt. — Since its establishment on 1st March 2012, MVM NET Zrt. — based on its network infrastructure. According to the established operating model, MVM NET provides NISZ Zrt. with L2 network connections according to ITU-T X.200 recommendation. The subscriber services over the network are provided by NISZ Zrt. to the public users. The aim of the implementation was to consolidate the state-owned telecommunications networks taking into account standardisation and rationalisation of costs. Thanks to the developments, a significant part of the 16 governmental networks named in 2010 were consolidated into the single NTG core network by 2014. Government Purpose Networks No 346/2010 (XII. Government Decree No 31/2001 (hereinafter referred to as: The last amendment distinguishes only 5 government networks: a) National telecommunications spine network; B) Unified Digital Radiocommunication System; C) Closed Law Enforcement Network; D) Public network; e) K-600/KTIR Communications and Information Technology System. In the past, both the institutional scope and the number of endpoints served have steadily and significantly increased. Among other things, the NTG provides high reliability network infrastructure with high reliability and protection in accordance with legal requirements, such as the National Tax and Customs Administration or the electoral IT system, for the performance of priority tasks. In parallel with the consolidation of the network — in line with international and industry trends — NISZ Zrt. started a government IT consolidation, the operational basis of which is provided by NTG. ICT development directions are increasingly geared towards the use of centralised, cloud-based services. The Hungarian public administration development, following technological trends, developed and plans to develop centralised services using domestic and European Union funds. The increase in the number of electronic public services, the introduction of centralised services and the need to expand the interconnected state and municipal institutional circle together lead to a significant increase in network capacity, which can be served by coordinated backbone and access network developments. The Government is entitled to implement the “Digital National Development Programme” Decree No 1631/2014 on the implementation of the “Digital National Development Programme” ahead of the public internet penetration expected by the European Union by 2020. (XI. 6.) according to Government Resolution, the Superfast Internet Project (SZIP) plans to implement the 30 Mbps internet access in all households by 2018. In accordance with point 4 of the Government Decision, the Ministry of the Interior prepared a concept plan (hereinafter referred to as the “Concept”) on “Further consolidation and possible development of government communications networks”. The Concept set out the most important guidelines for the further development of the network: 1. where this is technically relevant and possible, the standardisation of state-owned communication capacities and the optimal use of capacity is ensured; 2. the NTG backbone should reach the district headquarters, an NTG aggregation point should be established at each district headquarters; 3. the geographic extension and capacity expansion of the NTG should include the provision of a minimum symmetrical bandwidth of 30 Mbps to all state, municipal offices and institutions; 4. the consolidation of the institutional endpoints at the same address should take place during the development. With the help of NISZ Zrt., the Ministry of the Interior has prepared a reference database of state institutional needs, which is the input data of the present study, in order to develop networks for government purposes and to coordinate the developments of the SZIP project. The need for further consolidation and extension of government networks is justified on the one hand by eliminating certain backlogs of previous development projects, (territorial extension, building of district aggregation points, etc.) and by the newly created administrative needs (introduction of a municipal case management system, extension of municipal ASP, connection of health care institutions, etc.), the expansion of the range of IT applications used in public administration and the need for bandwidth. Overall, taking into account the institutions operating under the common address, this represents the development of a government network at around 8519 postal addresses. The current primary source of funding has been allocated under Priori...

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