Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 17 August 2017
End date: 10 June 2019
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 2 149 596,68 €
EU contribution: 647 778,36 € (30,13%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Главна дирекция „Европейски фондове за конкурентоспособност” (ГД ЕФК), МИ

Increasing the energy efficiency of Fox Laser Ltd.

The project “Increasing the energy efficiency of Fox Laser EOOD” is prepared in the scope and in accordance with the requirements of the procedure “Energy efficiency for SMEs”. It is fully in line with the recommended measures in the company’s energy audit and at the same time is in line with the planned investment project of the company, which provides measures to reduce energy consumption, expand production capacity and improve energy intensity. In addition to applying energy-saving production technologies, the project also contributes to protecting the environment and reducing the negative impact of production on it fully in line with the European directives. Specific activities are aimed at replacing old energy inefficient equipment with new high-tech and energy efficient equipment in the production processes — punching, laser cutting, bending and powder coating.The following activities are foreseen:1) Energy efficiency audit to analyse current consumption and set measures to improve energy intensity by a competent person; 2) Investments for the implementation of energy efficiency measures included in the energy efficiency audit of purchasing production machines: •CNC Servo-electric revolver punch press — Measure 1•Fiber laser cutting system — Measure 2•Abcant press (servo — electric — hydraulic) — Measure 3•Powder line — Measure 43) Introduction and certification of an energy management system, standard BDS EN ISO 50001/EN ISO 50001;4) Publicity and visualisation of the project;The expected results are:1) Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise as a result of the modernisation and improvement of the production process;2) Increasing energy efficiency, reducing the cost price per unit of production and expanding the production capacity of Fox Laser EOOD.

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