Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 December 2017
End date: 28 July 2021
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 229 677,83 €
EU contribution: 1 045 226,15 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, EU fejlesztési és stratégiai helyettes államtitkár

Development of human capacities in Heves district

Training, further training and exchange of experience of professionals working in basic human public services maintained by local authorities • assessment of professional capacities in human public services in human services, development of programmes aimed at alleviating skills shortages: Study • supporting the acquisition of qualifications and qualifications to ensure local capacities: scholarship system to obtain a new qualification • assess the level of education and qualifications of people working in local human services: Study • training of staff in human public services, development of professional competences: Development of ICT, language, professional competences • raising awareness of working with disadvantaged people, raising awareness: Tolerance training • information exchange and coordination between professionals working in local/territorial human public services: inter-professional workshop • organising workshops, case conferences, supporting the understanding of good practices: cultural Round Table, Senior Care and Primary Social Care Day • organisation of related local public transport in order to make services available: coordination forum Out-of-school programmes to help children/students develop personalities and competences, reach out of school and the labour market: • supporting the development of conscious financial behaviour: “Farm Okosan” camp • increase knowledge of sustainable development: Green camp • extracurricular activities based on student activity with training themes adapted to local curricula: “Family time travel” • talent management, career development, preparation for further education, etc.: pre-recruitment • Non-School teaching, support for language exams for disadvantaged pupils: language teaching for children • with the involvement of institutions, organisations and professionals outside the public education institution, the development of learner’s knowledge, skills and competences: Language circle, ECDL and IT education, Theater for the whole world!Thematic day-care camps, Households • In order to make services available, the organisation of related local public transport: consultation Forum Ensuring access to public education/higher education for disadvantaged children/students: • scholarship, other support for disadvantaged pupils who do not receive other scholarships: Scholarship scheme for secondary school students • support for disadvantaged children/students in kindergarten/school: “Assisting the fulfilment of compulsory education” Complex kindergarten service development, in particular with regard to ensuring access to pre-school education for disadvantaged children • assessment of obstacles to attending pre-school for disadvantaged children, and designing a plan of measures: Study • kindergarten education training to implement the action plan: training courses providing new qualifications • parental information and awareness-raising activities for the target group concerned by the action plan: “What is in the school bag?” • establishing and strengthening the relationship and cooperation between parents and the public education institution: Family who knows what?Open kindergarten program • health programs: Swimming education, traveling development teacher, hiking in kindergarten! • providing training for kindergarten teachers: professional training courses for kindergarten teachers • small-value acquisition of equipment related to activities: purchase of equipment related to programmes • In order to make the services available, the organisation of related local public transport: consultation Forum • health promotion programmes for children over 3 years of age: The infrastructure and information communication development necessary for the implementation of the development • IT and office equipment essential to the realisation of the project: related to professional implementation • tools related to training activities: appliances of kitchens (basic household and smart kitchen program) • construction activity: the development of human resources in basic human public services maintained by local governments, training of professionals, further training: • enhancing the region-specific knowledge of people working in human public services: Study tour • training of workers in basic human public services employed in church and non-governmental organisations: training Improving labour market opportunities for people with low educational attainment and poor labour market chances: development and implementation of a model programme primarily for small machine operators in the green area, social care and care for early school leaving

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